Which is better SLR, nikon or canon? And the reason please
Which is better SLR, nikon or canon? And the reason please.

I haven't used my camera in quite a few years. I'm just getting started again and don't remember much of what I used to know. I never had any trouble with photos before but suddenly the pics are blurry even in auto mode. Camera store said it looks fine (lens too). Any suggestions on why pics might be blurry would be happily accepted. Thanks!
Added (1). I guess I wasn't clear. I'm capturing a still image and the pics are out of focus. Lighting is good and I'm not too close to the image.

I want to get a new dslr camera, and i'm trying to decide on the brand. I've been looking at a lot of Nikons, and my dad also has one. His is film though. I was wondering if I were to get a digital Nikon, if the lenses on the digital and the film would be interchangeable.

What ring flash do I need for a Nikon 5000 and how much can I expect to pay?
I really want to get a ring flash for my Nikon 5000 camera but I'm not sure where to start. I just want to basically get the cheapest thing (but to spend enough so it does a good job!) and don't know where to start, can anyone help advise me? I just have the regular lens for my camera… (18-55) and not sure where to start. Also, does anyone know once I buy the ring flash, do I need anythng else to say connect it etc?

Why does my nikon d 70 digital camera give me dark photos inside?
What should I do to take better photos inside I have the camera set on manual and when I take photos inside I get really dark photos. And when I put them in a photo editor to lighten them up they are still not nice pictures they are grainy at high res…

Is there such thing as an adapter for Sony DSLR's?
I have a Sony DLSR a700 and it's hard to find lenses for it. Canon and Nikon lenses are way easier to find and I was wondering if there's some sort of adapter so I could connect one of those lenses to my Sony.
would be nice if you provide like a link to where I can buy one if ever. And don't tell me stuff like "you shouldn't have bought a Sony then if you're just gonna use a Canon or Nikon lens… " I won the camera so I don't have a choice.

Want to buy a lens which one should i go for nikon 55-300mm or nikon 70-300mm?
Want to buy a lens which one should i go for nikon 55-300mm or nikon 70-300mm?

What Dslr to upgrade to from a sony a230?
I'm going to be graduating soon and i will be gettin about $500 or more and i plan on selling my sony a230 so i can upgrade my camera. I want to upgrade because of its size, battery, and some other things. I'm leaning more towards a Canon or Nikon because i have owned a pentax and didn't find it very suiting. I tried out my uncles Canon EOS rebel (forget which one) and really liked it, having a button for each thing was very handy too instead of scrolling through a menu.
Any ideas as to what might suit me best
my price range is about 500-700 but a cheaper camera with more lenses will work too
(yes i know i'm picky)
Added (1). That is just what i know i will have, i will most likely have more just from some other things

Is a Fuji Digital Camera worth purchasing?
Are Fuji digital cameras good? I want a camera that takes great pics, quick shutter speed for capturing a toddler and takes good night pics. Any model suggestions. Please no canon or nikon.

Pentax K-x lens compatibility?
I understand that I can use older pentax lenses for my K-x, I'm trying to find information on whether or not I can use other lenses ex. Nikon and/or Canon lenses with my camera.
Information with a source would be greatly appreciated.