Can I become a pro photographer in India if I tried?

Do you think I will become a pro photographer if I tried harder and is an entry level Nikon d3500 enough with good lense options? And any luck for me of turning pro? Thank you… From India btw… I'm mostly shooting nature and objects until now and don't know how to cover actual people… Welcoming all advice I can get… And also adding a sample

If you truly want to succeed, do not rely on luck.
It's not important what dSLR you use. What matters is how you use your camera.
Then again going pro is not necessarily how good you are in taking photos. It's how great you are in convincing people to pay you to take their pictures.

Try investing into a nicer camera hell even a nice phone camera would do

Relying on "luck" bankrupts more photographers than any other business failures. There is no market for "nature and objects" in the real world. Do an online search, start with Flickr. Gazillions of such images people are trying to give away. No money there… Do a study course in photography (maybe in your spare time) but be sure there is a good business component attached to it. Running a business is 75% of succeeding. The photography is the other 25%. I hope this has not discouraged anyone from trying photography as a business. The learning curve is high and the failure rate for such a small business can also be upward. Keep your day job. Be realistic. Enjoy the shooting but do it sensibly. All this from someone who tried it - and failed.

if yo usend me tyoyur name and address i have several photography books i willswend to you for free if you are really seriius.these are books that helped me along my journey more than 30 years ago. Niw illbe more than happy to send you books that teach about black and white and color.alli need is a reply with your name and address and i willdo the rest. But make the address legible per line. With country code and your city zip code if there is one there in India Good day and God Bless.