What is the Nikon equivalent to the Canon 50d?
I'm a long time Canon man. I have recently decided to switch over to Nikon because all i hear is that the glass is much better. Also, the affordability factor plays a huge role. My question is when I do make the transition what body is a good equivalent to the 50d? Not in price but in power. If you have any other recommendations such as lenses or other accessories it would be greatly appreciated. Right now all I have in my bag is the 50d, rebel XTi, Canon 70-300 standard, Canon 18-55 IS, Canon 28-135 IS USM, and Canon 580EXii flash.
Added (1). Also are there any things I might need to know about Nikon? As I said I'm a Canon man. Don't know much about Nikon.

Battery display status problem?
I have a Nikon L-100 that does not display battery status. Any suggestions?

What is the difference between a Nikon 18-55mm 55-200mm VR lens?
What is the difference between a Nikon 18-55mm 55-200mm VR lens?

What should I look for in a digital camera?
I'm trying to buy a new camera for ebay use. I bought a Mitsuba DC500T 12.0 Megapixel camera a year ago for $172 off of an ebay auction, it was fine for taking pictures of larger things at the time, but its worthless for getting detailed close up pictures!
So I'm willing to spend in the $500-600ish range for quality and thought I'd ask someone with photography experience, their opinion on these or other cameras?
I buy and resell broken Ipods on ebay ( cnelson1985 ), and need a camera that can zero in on the scratches ect.without the blur, so I don't need one to take distance pictures, but one that would be good for close up detail.
Added (1). Yeah, but the problem with ebay is alot of low quality stuff thats souped up to sound great or overpriced.

My nikon rebel xt can't take really close pictures?
When i zoom out all the way and get really close to an object, it still won't let me take the picture. It makes this weird clicking noise. I tried to have it in every mode but it still won't let me take the picture. Doe anyone know what i can do?

Something with a removable Lens, preferably digital and relatively high quality, i like nikon, and i do know what i'm doing, so please don't answer with a "wait a second, do you have experience with a camera?". Don't waste my time, i just want a straight up recommendation. I'm looking for something with excellent focus and shutter speed.

I'm gonna buy dslr shortly so pentax, Canon. Sony or Nikon which one is better? Any Ideas?
I'm looking forward to K-x with Kit, It's lot more cheaper and everything that i need. But still i'm not so sure it's best that i could have. Any suggestions about other dslr with kit? I would be appreciate that ^_^

Which DSLR camera has the longest recording time in video mode?
I was gonna buy the Nikon DSLR 3000 but found out it only records for 5 minutes at a time

I'm looking to get a digital camera soon and i really want to get something good. I'm hopefully trying to stay in like $150-$200 range and hopefully something with like 10 megapixels and at least 5x zoom. I would also like to take some videos on it so hopefully it has good video length. Can anyone recommend something? I'm thinking like a sony cyber shot or a nikon cool pix something like that. If anyone could give me feedback on whether these are good or not or recommend something else i would appreciate it.

Do professional photographers use mostly Nikon or Canon?
In general, which brand do photographers prefer? Nikon or Canon?