How to focus this with an DSLR?
I have 3 focus points on my DSLR, it's a really old one.
I always focus with the centre one and use single autofocus (not continues)
The question
how would you focus this picture when you have to be quick?
my old traditional way would be to focus on the head using my single (not continues) focus and then recompose the shot, but then I would be to late.
So euh you would use continues autofocus?
And if you have selected the center autofocus point and then have to switch to the outer autofocus points (using < > on the nikon), but wouldn't that also delay the shot?

Best digital camera around $100?
I had a decent Kodak Easyshare that was around that price, but it's a long story about what happened to it. The only features I really need are:
5x optical zoom [will settle for three]
At least 10 mega pixels. Preferably twelve but I'm not going to be picky, due to budget
Video recording capability.
Sound playback on the actual camera would be great, but I know most don't have that so it's not the end of the world.
Any color.
Hopefully released withint the last year or two.
Brands preferred:
[in that order]
As I said, not being picky. If you can think of any decent camera around the price, even if it doesn't correspond with my 'needs' I'd be happy to hear it. Best option gets the stars.

I have recently been enjoying using a couple of old Minolta mechanical cameras that I picked up (SRT-201 and SRT-202), and was hoping for recommendations of other mechanical SLRs.
To clarify, I don't mind if there's a battery needed for the light metering system, but the rest of the camera should be mechanical.
I know the Pentax K1000 is popular, as well as the Nikon F2 and FM2. Does anyone use anything else by these brands? Are there any mechanical cameras that are particularly noteworthy from Mamiya, Yashica, Olympus, etc?

My +/- sign is blinking alternatively, and according to my manual it says I have to turn my lense to the smallest aperture. Why is it that it's telling me to do that for every mode I'm in? Is the aperture on my lense different than the aperture on top?

How to find out what the Maximum Aperture is on my camera lens?
This is all the info I have on the lens:
I want to know what number should come after the F/

DSLR: what model to buy below 700$?
I need help in choosing a model.
it has to be nikon or canon
does all DSLRs have a remote so you can take pictures of yourself without making use of timer?
and does all DSLRs have detachable flash?
or am i talking about a model that's way about my budget?
i have very little idea about the DSLR specs and all
I'm only familiar with digicams
Added (1). Edit: i meant *way above my budget

What is your favorite digital camera?
My birthday is coming up and I really, badly need a digital camera.
I take pictures with my friends all the time on my iPhone but the quality isn't very good.
My mom has an SLR nikon, but its HUGE and I want one that i can carry around (not SLR, just digital)
So my question is:
What would be the best camera for me to get? The price doesn't really matter, but I want something I can get at Best Buy and not have to order.
I'd like to know what camera you have and if you could rate it 1-5 that would be great.

Is the Nikon 55-200mm f/4-5.6G Ed If AF-S DX VR a good lens all around?
I want something with greater focal length I can use for portraits and landscapes. Is this a good lens?

What lens for Pentax is equivalent to Canon's $100 prime lens?
I'm going to get a Pentax K-x and doing some research. I'm reading that a good starting point for excellent quality would be to get a "$100" 50mm f1.8 prime lens. I found said lens here: http://www.amazon.com/...00007E7JU/
However, this is a Canon only lens, and looking around, the only similar lenses for Pentax are $500-1000. Even Pentax's own are higher than average it seems.
So what gives that their camera is so cheap and good compared to Canon's entry and Nikon's, yet compatible lenses are 5-10x the price of Canon lenses?
Added (1). Jim A, you are misinformed. Pentax offers better features and quality for the same (a bit lower even) price point. But I guess I did misuse the term "cheap"
I meant higher quality for same price point. You should really look into a Pentax K-x

Still confusing about lens! Any suggestions?
Which lens is better in general, Nikon or Canon?
What's the pros and cons?