What is the latest version for Canon Eos Rebel?
I got one for Christmas back in high school. I took it everywhere with me for years. My sucky Nikon Coolpics digital broke last night and my Canon got stolen almost a year ago.
I'm looking for newer film cameras.
Are there any that have the option of both film and digital in one camera?
Added (1). It doesn't have to be the absolute latest version, but some of the newer model names would be appreciated.

Is there such thing as full function remote control for DSLR?
I'm looking for a reasonably simple way to remotely input aperture, shutter speed and ISO. Does Nikon or Canon have remote controls allowing this?
Added (1). For HDR imaging at long exposure

What is the normal age of the new lenses of digital camera in hot weathering?
I had used a SLR film camera with different lenses for a long period (more than 20 years) and they are great till now cause they were made of a glass but now most/all of the new lenses are made of plastic that may get deffect by sun light especially in hot weathering where the temperture in summer is above 45C (110F).
I used some small compact sony cameras which took good images but after 3-5 years i coud not get such quality and i do not know if the reason is behind lens quality or some dust on the lens.
I cleaned the lens with cleaning kit but the images still the same or little worse.
I'm wondering about the normal age of the lenses of compact and other DSLR cameras such as Nikon, Canon and Pentax especially in hot climate.

I have a Nikon D 60 SLR film Camera will the Lenes work on the new Cameras?
Will the old lenses work on the new camera body's looking to going Digital

I jumped in the pool with my Nikon camera and i turned it on and it wasn't working so i dried it off immediately and took out the batteries and SD card and I put it in rice is there anything else I can do to make it work… And when i turned it on the screen had black and gray lines. Please NO stupid answers!

How to remove a dented lens filter?
My Nikon 18-105mm lens was dropped and the glass of the filter cracked and the rim got dented.
The damage is similar to this:
However there's also a dent on the rim of the filter.
I removed the broken glass and only the rim of the filter remains. It is stuck VERY tight. I have attempted to twist it off with a cloth and firm against a rubbery surface, however it won't budge.
I've read online about methods of removing dented filters, however most people suggest getting it professionally mended. I'm looking only for ways to repair it myself at this stage.
I've read about the threads on the filter and lens getting damaged, therefore I have not attempted any extreme methods as I'm fearful of damaging the lens threads when trying to remove the broken filter, therefore making it difficult to screw the new filter back on. Are they very delicate? How careful do I need to be in order not to ruin them?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Which camera is better?
What do you think is the best 35mm film slr camera?

All cameras should come with a batter, right?
My dad and I ordered the Nikon S4000 just a few days ago and now he's telling me it doesn't come with a battery. We chose the bundle kind that layed out the details of the camera and what comes with the bundle. He said it didn't say "battery" so now he's telling me we ordered a camera without a battery. I'm thinking all cameras should come with a battery right? I mean you get a box with all the items needed for it, I'm just wondering

I'm using a Nikon N65 SLR, how do I shoot a double exposure?
I really want to do a double exposure, can someone please explain how I could do this? Or if this is even possible? Thank-you so much! Your answers are appreciated.
Added (1). No, I don't have the manual:/
Added (2). But I'm sure I can look it up.

Is 55-200mm lens enough zoom to shoot pictures of a football team across the field?
I'm just wondering if i have enough zoom and speed to shoot comfortably for a football game. Its a Nikon 55-200mm VR AF-S f/4-5.6G ED.
Basically If i stand on one side of the field and there's some action on the other side, will the action fill the frame comfortably of will it look like a far away shot? I can get a hold of a better lens, but i'm wondering if this is enough.