Nikon SLR Cameras

Changing camera lenses?


I want to get a new dslr camera, and i'm trying to decide on the brand. I've been looking at a lot of Nikons, and my dad also has one. His is film though. I was wondering if I were to get a digital Nikon, if the lenses on the digital and the film would be interchangeable.


There areā€¦ But you need to ask a specialist shop

Daniel F
Daniel F

Pretty much all Nikon lenses will work. But on the cheaper Nikon DSLRs (D3000/3100/5000) you may not get autofocus with all the lenses since those cameras don't have an internal focusing motor.

For a full list of compatibility check out this link:


If Dad has an old manual film body, like a Nikon F, then the lenses will still mount (mostly, look at that list posted above) but you will have to manually set the aperture, and manually focus the lens. This is not as easy as it sounds, since the viewfinders in these cameras are very small and dark. It is difficult to see what you are doing, unlike the viewfinder of that F.

If Dad has an autofocus film body, you will have much better luck "borrowing" his lenses. Many will not autofocus on the D40 through D5000, but will work just fine on the D90 on up.

John P
John P

The film lenses will work on the DSLR but not all functions may work, e.g. Autofocus, exposure measuring - depends how old the film lenses are. Wide angle lenses for digi SLRs will not cover the full 35mm film frame, but tele lenses usually cover. There's a 1.5 times 'telephoto' factor when using film lenses on DSLRs, so you 50mm becomes a good portrait lens, and the wide-angle 28mm becomes the standard lens. So go for it, get your Nikon DSLR with the 'kit lens', see what your father's lenses will do and carry on from there.