Do professional photographers use mostly Nikon or Canon?

In general, which brand do photographers prefer? Nikon or Canon?

Nikon and Canon have the lion's share of the pro DSLR market. The arguments that take place in this forum about which is "best" usually are uninformative and juvenile. The reasons most pros use Canon or Nikon rather than Olympus, Sony, Pentax or any other brand are pretty simple: durability, quality optics, a system approach to photography and a full range of fast lenses and specialty lenses. The decisive factor, however, is the fast, responsive repair and support for pro gear from Canon and Nikon. The two companies have extensive pro support -- Canon's is called Canon Professional Services -- that gives working pros the support they need. No other manufacturer has anything close. For example, Nikon and Canon routinely have experts and repair techs at major sporting events to service equipment and iron out problems. Both give pros priority repair service. No one else has anything on the same level.
Other companies offer good gear, but not a support system on a par with Canon and Nikon. Whether all this matters to you depends on the photography you do. You absolutely can take pro quality photos with other gear. My own daughter, still a college student, has worked as a pro using Olympus gear, but if she continues I expect she will wind up with Canon or Nikon unless Olympus cranks up its support for pros, which could happen. The camera manufacturers are intensely competitive. From the 1960s through the early 1990s, the pro SLR market belonged to Nikon, but hard work by Canon and missteps by Nikon, particularly with its early digital SLRs, let Canon bite off about half of the pro market. The two companies remain in a savage battle for market share, both pro and consumer.
If you are considering a pro camera, look into the pro support programs, which you can read about on the company web sites. You have to qualify -- it's not open to anyone -- so it won't matter until you meet the standards the companies set for pro support.

Most pros will use Canon or Nikon for their SLR's as they are the biggest companies with the most available lenses and accessories. Top fashion photographers will use Hasselblads or Mamiya medium format cameras. Landscapes are often still done with large format view cameras.

Canon and Nikon are what we tell kids that professional use so that they buy them. If you walk in on Mademoiselle or GQ you are more likely to see them using a Hasselbald.
Goofy kids who want to be super stars use Canon or Nikon religiously. Professional photographers use the right tool for the job.

They prefer what they want. The world is not divided into Nikon or Canon as many are led to believe. The industry standard is Hasselblad while many experienced photographers respect Pentax.

Professionals? They will have both. They will also have a few leicas possibly and maybe even a hasselblad if they are good enough.
Nikon and Canon are basically the same but different

Both are good one for DSLRs you can consider any of them


Do professional photographers use mostly Nikon or Canon?
well… I would say both. But, it will depend on which camera you would be comfortable with, and which lens are more available in the market for you'll need different kinds of lens. But for me the best camera is your eyes. The eyes picks the greatest photo to take. The camera only records or prints on what you see.
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