I need a new camera?

Something with a removable Lens, preferably digital and relatively high quality, i like nikon, and i do know what i'm doing, so please don't answer with a "wait a second, do you have experience with a camera?". Don't waste my time, i just want a straight up recommendation. I'm looking for something with excellent focus and shutter speed.

Hasselblad. If you know photography you'd shut up with this recommendation.
Don't waste my time asking if you are already familiar with dSLRs and EVILs. You should know by now that focus depends on you, the photographer and shutter speed is one of 4 basic controls in taking a picture. If you are talking about shutter lag, you do have a ton to learn about in photography yet so ask nicely next time.

If you truly do "know what you're doing" you should be doing your own research. If you truly understand cameras you should know the answer already.
I always recommend what I own and know

The dSLR with the most bang for the buck is the new Nikon D3100
As you can see, it uses interchangeable lenses and is one of the few that can auto-focus while in the video mode
Image wise, although an entry level camera, it is capable of producing professional quality images as long as the user has the necessary skills

Everyone has an opinion on this… It's like asking what car should I buy.
The best thing to do is go to a camera store (not an electronics store) and hold, look at, and try the different brands and models within your budget. You don't have to buy at that store, but you can get a better feel for the camera when you can walk around with it and actually shoot instead of being tethered to the display stand.
You are the one who will be using it, so get something that feels natural to you with easy to find controls. Both Nikon and Canon are great brands. I went with Canon because of the way it felt in my hands and the layout of the controls. You will miss shots if you are constantly fumbling with the camera.