How to focus this with an DSLR?

I have 3 focus points on my DSLR, it's a really old one.
I always focus with the centre one and use single autofocus (not continues)
The question
how would you focus this picture when you have to be quick?
my old traditional way would be to focus on the head using my single (not continues) focus and then recompose the shot, but then I would be to late.
So euh you would use continues autofocus?
And if you have selected the center autofocus point and then have to switch to the outer autofocus points (using < > on the nikon), but wouldn't that also delay the shot?

Go manual son… Go manual!

Use continuos autofocus. Use whichever focus bracket that is closest to the point in the photo you want to be in focus.

Practice to improve your speed in manual focus or reframing after autofocus. Whoever took that photo probably had practice.
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