What lens for Pentax is equivalent to Canon's $100 prime lens?

I'm going to get a Pentax K-x and doing some research. I'm reading that a good starting point for excellent quality would be to get a "$100" 50mm f1.8 prime lens. I found said lens here: http://www.amazon.com/...00007E7JU/
However, this is a Canon only lens, and looking around, the only similar lenses for Pentax are $500-1000. Even Pentax's own are higher than average it seems.
So what gives that their camera is so cheap and good compared to Canon's entry and Nikon's, yet compatible lenses are 5-10x the price of Canon lenses?
Added (1). Jim A, you are misinformed. Pentax offers better features and quality for the same (a bit lower even) price point. But I guess I did misuse the term "cheap"
I meant higher quality for same price point. You should really look into a Pentax K-x

What gives that their camera "is so cheap"? You'll never get quality for "cheap" so that should tell you something. If the camera body is cheap then the quality is of a much lower standard than the Canon models.
Your best bet is to buy all the quality you can, as in one of the Canon Rebel line. I own and know the
Canon 1000D (XS).It's an excellent camera and gives me excellent results.
No company can produce quality at cheap prices, it doesn't happen. Quality is expensive to build so it's expensive to buy. If I were you I'd reconsider the camera body purchase, stick with world wide quality because if you don't you'll probably be disappointed down the road when your cheap
purchase doesn't stand up.

You'll have to forgive JimA, all he knows is his Canon Rebel.
Yes, the Pentax is a much better camera at the same price point, but you can't tell the fanboys that.
Pentax does not currently have anything in their lineup like the Canon or Nikon 50mm f/1.8 lenses. Their primes are faster, more in line with the higher end models from the other makers.
You'd have to go to the Pentax manual lenses, a 50mm f/1.7 should be very inexpensive, but of course is all manual.

Nobody said Pentax lenses were cheap. Pentax doesn't have a 50mm f/1.8. Canon's 50mm f/1.4 is priced just a bit lower than the Pentax version. That is f/1.4.It's a whole different world from f/1.8.
Pentax has always been proud of their optics. That shows even with their point-and-shoot line up. If you value lenses more than the camera, Pentax is a good brand to go to. One way to get cheaper Pentax lenses is to get secondhand manual lenses. With true red-blooded Pentax users, doing manual work with digital is not an issue. What's important is you get the result you are going for.
Don't worry about Jim. He's a loyal blue-blooded Canon user. We all do our share here at Answers defending and promoting our personal preferences.

Pentax has never offered any primes for a $100 AFAIK. At one time they had sold FA 50mm f/1.4 lenses for $200 US but in the last few years all of Pentax lenses have shot up in price, including the FA 50. There's a DA 35 f/2.4 coming out pretty soon at about $200. If you want a Pentax 50mm prime for a $100 you will need to look for manual lenses, A, K or M. I hear the f/1.7s have great IQ.

I think the best one you can get is Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro Lens