Which is better for a beginner, Digital or Film?
So I want to start taking pictures as a hobby, but good pictures. I'm a beginner. A few things I would like to be able to do.
Focus in and out, meaning blur the background, focus on a spec and be able to see this in the picture.
Black and White
I realize digital is the new and great thing, but I feel somewhat drawn to film. The only issue I see is that I will not be able to check the shot until the film is developed. Or am I missing something? Is there a film camera that I can check the shot before the film is processed? I know I would be able to see the shot immediately with digital.
SLR, ABC, DEF What do these all mean and where the heck do I start? I would like to purchase either a Canon or Nikon.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Added (1). Ps. Financially I can drop 100-150 for this. Thanks
Added (2). @dieterzakas
I do not know how to select your answer as best, but Thank you for your advice. I was just reading about the debate film vs digital. It seems that they both have good and bad points, but overall your right. Film will teach me and the resolution is way better.
Thanks so much. I think my head is going to explode with all the information out there.

What Nikon DSLR professional camera would be good for sporting events and portraits?
I will be studying Photography in January and I need to buy myself a DSLR camera. I heard that Nikons are very good. I want a camera that is good for sporting events and for portraits of people and just beautiful scenery…
What camera would be good for this.
And what kind of lens should I buy?

I'm looking for a nice camera to take good photography shots?
I'm saving up some money and trying to afford a much nicer camera. Right now I have a sony cyper-shot. I'm looking to do a major upgrade. I have an interest in photography and plan to pursue it.
I would like to know some nice camera brands. I had nikon or canon in mind, but I really have no clue.
could someone help me out, give some reviews, hook me up with a good website, get me started on the right path to figuring it out?

What's better- nikon or canon cameras?
I really want a nice digital SLR camera but can't decide what brand is better

Do Nikon film slr lens work with Nikon digital cameras?
Do Nikon film slr lens work with Nikon digital cameras?

What Camera filter should i use for a nikon dslr?
I have a nikon d500 dslr and i just wanna know if i can use any filter to it or is there a specific size for it, if so what size is it?

Which brand is better? Nikon or cannon?
I want ti buy a digital camera but i don't know which one to buy or which one take better pics please help and why do you think that brand you say is better

I'm looking for a good cheap DLSR Camera?
So i've been looking at a Cannon Rebel T1i and i really like it, but i can't find one thats under 600.00 i love taking pictures and i had just a little didgital Cannon but it got ruined. I was taking pictures on my cousins camara and he had a Nikon DLSR i'm not sure what one but i really liked it. But the Nikon DLSRs are way outta my price range. I like the manual focasing and zoom id like it to have a a nice screen and one that takes good pictures. But my big ting is i cont want to spend more than 150ish tops.

I don't want to become or major in photography or anything but i really enjoy playing with cameras and taking pictures as a hobby; should i get the nikon p100 or a canon rebel? There a price difference of about 100 dollars i think
Added (1). Oh i meant dslr oopss

Added (1). EDIT: Yes.I'm.looking.for.a.DSLR.maybe.us…