What's better- nikon or canon cameras?

I really want a nice digital SLR camera but can't decide what brand is better

Nikon is amazing with film and slr.

every canon i had was a pile. I just bought a nikon touch screen and i love it, so far no problems (knock on wood)

Alright, you want to know which camera brand is better. Canon camera's usually have the best balance of overall features. Nikon has the best lenses. But Sony has the best Optical image Stabilization. So it depends on what you want. Canon is not extreme on their lenses but they have the best balance of them all. Nikon has the best lenses but lacks in other features.

I really really love Canon. I have a Rebel T1i and it's great.

If you want All the functions including some not available on any other DSLR, true compatibility with older cheap lenses with good image quality, image stabilization built into the camera so every lens is image stabilized even an old one. The best sensor which has a dynamic range and low noise performance on a par with cameras costing 4 times as much or more it has to be Pentax.