Best settings for basketball pictures?
Hi, i have a Nikon Digital SLR camera that i use to take my schools pictures with, any ideas for the right setting to get a really good picture without being blurry? Iso settings, etc?

Nikon FE 35mm SLR issues, shutter release?
I have a nikon fe, 50mm lens. I just replaced the batteries, to make sure it wasn't the issue. No matter what shutter speed I have it set at, and after cranking the lever (film of course advances) and press the shutter release button, nothing happens. The mirror stays down, and the shutter remains shut. The self timer works, but at the end of it's timing, the shutter still fails to go. If I continually crank the lever, the film continually advances. It seems as though, unlike similar cameras, it doesn't "click" at the end of the cranking. Perhaps something inside is jammed?
If anyone has a similar problem, and/or knows a fix, please post! I will offer you a 200 dollar credit to my custom website business for the first one with a solution.

What is the Nikon cool pix camera that is a touch screen, has good zoom, and you can take like 8 pictures in a second with it? Is there any cameras like this you would recommend?
Added (1). I found it, its the s8100.Is there another Nikon Coolpik alot like this thats cheaper? Is there one thats not a touch screen but take the 5 pics in a sec?

How to get a black and white photo with most vibrant colors showing?
My sister has a compact digital camera made by canon. When she was taking pictures she was able to put it in black and white but have it automatically pick out the most vibrant color and show it in the black and white photo. She was able to do it automatically by just changing the settings on her camera. I would like to know what the name of this function or setting is and if Nikon makes any cameras that have this ability.

DLSR Camera: What Kind of Lens Comes With It?
I'm looking for a nice camera but I'm actually more concerned with the lens that I get along with it. I'm not planning to buy those really expensive models, for now I'm still choosing for an affordable one from either Nikon or Canon. A few days ago I was using my friend's Canon 550D which was really nice. Then I remembered I used the same camera (from a different friend) but wasn't that nice… And I didn't notice the lens kit.
Do I automatically get a 18-250mm lens when you buy the camera (regardless of brand) or do you have to buy it as an additional item? Thanks!
Added (1). Okay just to elaborate why I also like the 250mm lens kit: I find it hard to adjust focus on the 18mm kit lens that comes along. I'm looking forward to get macro lens as well. In addition to that I don't have enough funds to buy the kit lens then buy the zoom lens separately. I just have one option. I'm also going to buy some books about SLRs so I don't go and experiment blindly.

I want to buy a digital camera?
I know about Canon
and Nikon cameras, But I found this "Pentax Digital Cameras" recently, I found the price quite cheap comparing to other cameras, Anybody knows about this brand? Is the quality low like their prices?

What digital camera under $150 has the fastest shutter speed and minimal shutter lag?
Can you even buy a reasonably fast camera for that amount of money?
I want a camera that has the capability to capture action well. My Nikon L4 takes several seconds to focus and take the picture, so I nearly always lose the shot.

What's the most valuable thing you have ever fixed with glue?
My $500 Nikon digital SLR. The tooth that holds the lens on broke. Fortunately, I found the tooth in the bottom of the camera bag and used Krazy Glue.

What is a cheap, yet modern digital slr?
I want one for Christmas. I was looking at the nikon 40x but i'd prefer to have a range of ideas.

Which brand of slr cameras should I choose? Nikon or Canon?
So, I've been looking at slr cameras for months now and i STILL can't decide which one to get… I have a canon digital point and shoot camera and i love it so i figured why not look for a canon slr. But everyone's telling me that nikon has the best slr cameras
i'm not really looking towards taking pictures of landscapes and stuff like that but i usually take candid pictures and on my point and shoot i tend to use the digital macro a lot like when i wanna take pictures of flowers or other nature