I'm looking for a good cheap DLSR Camera?

So i've been looking at a Cannon Rebel T1i and i really like it, but i can't find one thats under 600.00 i love taking pictures and i had just a little didgital Cannon but it got ruined. I was taking pictures on my cousins camara and he had a Nikon DLSR i'm not sure what one but i really liked it. But the Nikon DLSRs are way outta my price range. I like the manual focasing and zoom id like it to have a a nice screen and one that takes good pictures. But my big ting is i cont want to spend more than 150ish tops.

You can't buy a good dslr for $150. I suggest you look for a Canon 10D on Craigslist. You might find one for about $300 or less if you're lucky.

The Nikon D3000 is at 550usd
Nikon D5000 is at 620usd
Canon T1i is at 750usd
Sony A290 is at 450usd
Sony A390 is at 500usd
Also, see this list here:

Good luck finding anything under $350
My D40- in good condition will sell around $400