I'm looking for a nice camera to take good photography shots?

I'm saving up some money and trying to afford a much nicer camera. Right now I have a sony cyper-shot. I'm looking to do a major upgrade. I have an interest in photography and plan to pursue it.
I would like to know some nice camera brands. I had nikon or canon in mind, but I really have no clue.
could someone help me out, give some reviews, hook me up with a good website, get me started on the right path to figuring it out?

It's not the camera… If you can't take a decent shot with what you've got, then a "better camera" won't help.
Go to http://www.dpreview.com/...review.com & look around.

"sony cyper-shot. I'm looking to do a major upgrade."
Very nice.
Research a900 and a850.By all accounts, they are very good at taking "photography" shots.

Different camera's and different brands have different pros and cons. It depends on what you want to use the camera for. Also different people tend to have different preferences. My best advice for you is to start shopping around and look at different stores and play with their cameras and find the one you like best and feel most comfortable with.

If you are planning to upgrade you are already on the right track. Cannon and Nikon have been leaders in photography for many years now and that has not changed. Its just a matter of finding one that is in your price range. Prices can range from $150 to $650 USD.
Google search "Best Selling Digital Cameras"

Entry level Nikon or Canon is what you need! Get a used D60 on ebay for cheap and you are good to go!