I dropped my SLR and something cracked.does it still work?
I have a Nikon FG and the black part behind where the film goes cracked. Is it a lost cause?
Added (1). The picture I linked shows where the crack is. Thanks
Added (2). Nope it didn't look like shutters. Just plain plastic or something
Added (3). Hey George,
Thanks for getting back to me. It takes pictures normally still, I just don't know if the pictures will turn out?

Best Brand of Digital Camera. Nikon, Fuji, Sony, Panason. Or anything else?
Best Brand of Digital Camera. Nikon, Fuji, Sony, Panason… Or anything else?

I'm getting one for christmas, a nikon one preferably.
i have been looking at them online and some of them take AA batteries,
i'd just prefer a battery pack one rather than invididual batteries.
what do you guys think on this?

Best place to buy Nikon camera on Black Friday?
I want to buy the Nikon D31000 14.2 Megapixel Digital SLR Camera on Black Friday 2010. Where I live, I have access to a Wal-Mart, Target, and Best Buy. Do you know which of those will have the best deals?

A good camera for a beginner photographer?
I'm looking for a good camera.one that isn't so expensive, but still takes great shots. I'm still a beginner to i don't want some $1, 000 camera. (don't be mistaken. I'm not talking about those little digital cameras. The actual full sized black ones like Cannon or Nikon)
PS; Which is better: Nikon or Cannon?

Nikon or Canon? Any difference?
Hi! I'm just about to purchase my first real camera. Been using a 4x zoom 12.2 mpx Samsung camera for about a year now, and I need something that I can switch lens on whenever I want.
My question, and please don't go "Canon sux" just because you have a Nikon, or vise-versa. I want honest and true answers.
Should I buy Nikon or Canon? Or are they just about the same? They look almost the same, and my friends say they're just like brother and sister, or twins with different names.
I live in Norway, and yeah, generally cameras here are extremely expensive, like everything else. But Nikon seems to be half the price than a Canon when on sale. I always loved Canon, since all my great photographer buddies have' em. Only one got Nikon.
But I'd buy a Nikon too if it is just as good, so, any pointers, please?

Camera with fast shutter speed?
I'm looking for a digital camera that has fast shutter speed but also moves quickly from picture to picture without making you view your previous picture before taking another one. SLR cameras are out of our price range. Looking at a Nikon L110 but it makes you view the picture for a couple seconds before allowing you to take another. Any suggestions?

DSLR Advice. I want to buy a dslr, but don't know what model to get
I want to buy a dslr, but i don't know what model to get. I'm interested in a camera that will allow me to make HD surf/skate videos, as well as use it for photography. I only want to stick to nikon and canon and around 2000 dollars is my price limit.
Suggestions would be great?

Is 14x zoom enough for wildlife photography?
I want to get a bridge camera, mainly for their versatility (compared to a DSLR)
But there's so much choice and all.
Here are the camera's I have looked, but I can't make a choice. The superzoom with the best image quality (fujifilm S200EXR) has little zoom (compared to the others; 20x - 35x)
Panasonic DMC FZ100:
24X zoom
14MP sensor
Reviews say the image quality isn't all that great. Too much noise reduction seems to be the issue.
Has 11fps burst mode or 5fps AF burst mode.
Fujifilm HS10
30X zoom
Manual focus/zoom ring
10MP sensor
Its said that image quality is decent, but not the best.
Fujifilm S200EXR
14X zoom
Manual zoom ring
12MP sensor
Image quality is great, so far the best
Canon SX30 IS
35x zoom
14MP sensor
I.Q. Is alright. Slow burst mode 1fps or so.
The other camera's from Nikon and pentax are pretty much the same in terms of I. Q.
This is so confusing! Well, difficult. I don't know which one to get. Gah!

Nikon camera lens cracked, will they replace?
Start of the problem
about a month ago my nikon d-40 camera charger suddenly stopped working, then today i was taking pictures when all of a sudden the camera lens was stuck
i called the store from which i bought it from and they told me to take the lens off so i can bring it tomorrow, when i took of the lens the lens cracked
do you think that they would replace it
i have a 2 year warranty and its from blacks camera is canada