Which is best Pro DSLR-Nikon or Canon?
Which is best Pro DSLR-Nikon or Canon?

Is there a tripod that would work with a Nikon DSLR and a Flip Cam?
I'm looking for a sturdy tripod that folds up and works with multiple cameras, so that I'll only need one. I'm having trouble figuring out one that will work with the camera I have and the ones I'm saving up for. Right now I have a Fujifilm digital camera and I'm hoping for a Nikon DSLR and a Flip Cam, so I'd like the tripod to work with these three. Any suggestions would really help.

I love taking pictures, but I have a digital camera and I feel like they aren't as good as those big, clunky, professional Nikon cameras. I want one that will take pictures like this, with excellent detail:
So that it looks professional. And it's got to be DIGITAL and I have to be able to put it in my computer.
Anyone know of a camera, that isn't too god awful expensive and does the above?

Cannon camera or Nikon camera?
For a present, my mom is getting me a nice camera to continue my photography. I need to know an opinion from people who know what they are talking about. I'm a beginner. I also need a decent camera that will get me along for awhile, at least 4-5 years? I also need one that is not to expensive, but not to cheap. SLR cameras. Please and Thank-You!

Star Trails Nikon F60 28-80mm?
I have a Nikon F60 (N60 in US) and a 28-80mm lens and I'm just wondering if what I have will meet the requirements of taking good photos of star trails.
Nikon F60
35mm film (ISO of 200)
For half an hour- f8
For 1 hour- f11
For 1 and a half hours- f13
For 2 hours- f16
I may also do a fifteen minute exposure at f5.6 - though will that let way too much light in?
The exposure will be set to Long Time Exposure, so it the shutter will remain open until I press the shutter-release button again.
I won't do more than two hour sets because I've heard that if the aperture number goes much higher than 16 the photos become blurry?
Is all of that okay?
Any help much appreciated! Xxx

I'm confused between Nikon S8000, S6000 & CANON IXUS 130 IS if i take S6000 & 130IS what is the different thing between these 2 and please confirm about best model on the basis of Clearity of Image, & natural Colour also CANON 130 IS provide Image in Low Light very sharp is it possible in S6000 or S8000 and one of the new feature in Canon 130IS is MINIATURE effect with this effect we can make clear focus on object and make heazy the background is the any feature exist in S6000 or S8000 or by mannual setting is it possible?
Give best model from S6000, S8000 & IXUS 130 IS or any other CAMERA you would like to suggest me

Do you think that is in their agenda? Like a more afforable 50mm f1.8 that will auto focus on all digital slr's?
just want to know your thoughts cause i've been pondering about it for some time.

I have a 1600mm lens for a nikon camera?
How can i tell the distance? Its a 420 to 800mm, till i put the 2x converter on, then it becomes 840 to 1600mm. So how would i be able to know how far out i'm looking? I tried converting length but its not giving me the right one. Lol its saying 5 feet.lol. So please help me tell the distance. Thank you
Added (1). I mean i wanna know how many feet or miles i'm looking out.

Will this nikon lens work on my camera?
and do you think it is a good buy? 300 is pretty much my maximum price range.

I'm looking at getting a Nikon. I was told by a Nikon user to get a higher end camera and pay a little more because later down the road, additional lenses are cheaper. So pay more for the camera now and pay less later. If that is true, then what is considered a Higher end camera? What are some of your suggestions? What Nikon SLR is your fav? Thanks!
Added (1). Also, what is a really big zoom lens. I mean, I want to use a tripod and get pics of a full moon. How does the zoom #'s work? When I get my Nikon, what is a good zoom lens?
Added (2). Thanks for all the great answers! I have been using an SLR for quite some time and know how to use them, but when it comes to my own camera, I'm a little clueless, because I don't want to throw a few hundred dollars down the drain. I'm sure I'm going to be happy with what ever camera I get, I just don't want to be spending tons of money down the road with it.