Any camera suggestions?

I love taking pictures, but I have a digital camera and I feel like they aren't as good as those big, clunky, professional Nikon cameras. I want one that will take pictures like this, with excellent detail:
So that it looks professional. And it's got to be DIGITAL and I have to be able to put it in my computer.
Anyone know of a camera, that isn't too god awful expensive and does the above?

Nikon d series

The lens most likley got a shot like that, it isn't All about the body. A great starter series are the canon rebels. There's the cheapest, which i think is only like 500. I started with the rebel xsi and i loved it, i paid 800. Now i have the 7d.about 2k!

The camera body itself isn't much of a difference among the makers. It doesn't really change things in outcome either as long as your in the same price range. What makes good pictures like the one you showed us is photographers experience and lenses.
Pick a camera company that has lenses and quality you can be happy with. As you pay for more expensive bodies there are a lot of doodads that come with it but as long as it has some form of color balancing, a good focusing system and basic exposure settings (bracketing, compensation, low continuous) you should be good.
If you really want my opinion for a starter DSLR I would say the D40 or D50. They are well priced, accommodate quite a lot of lenses and have overall good functionality.
Best of luck!

Then just buy a big clunky Nikon dSLR - I recommend a D3.

I think that g12 is a good camera to star off with and really easy to use! (also takes professional pictures) and many effects like fish eye, color accent etc.
Another one is a Cannon 550d because cannon takes really nice and beautiful pictures and good quality pictures too.
Also Nikon d3100, I looked at it today, the cannon 550d is quite similar to this model because the quality of the pictures are the same.
It's not all about the camera but also about the skills and experience you have. If you have a lot of skills then buy and 550d or a d3100. If your new with using cameras, start off with g12 and explore photography.