I'm looking into buying a DSLR camera. Are the Sony DSLR cameras good or should i just stick with Nikon and Canon?

What brand/model is better, nikon or canon?
I'm looking for a very nice camera for taking high quality pictures of my family, as well as possibly maybe doing some senior pictures or birthday parties. I'm looking to spend $400-$1000 on the camera body, and whatever suggested lens's i might need.

Nikon 3100, Nikon 5000, or Canon EOS Rebel t2i?
I've been taking pictures for about 3 and 1/2 years now on my regular point and shoot camera.i'm ready to upgrade to a DSLR camera but i'm unsure of which one is the best. I take a lot of pictures so it's important that it's fast but also takes high quality photos. I want it to be simple enough that i can get the hang of it but i want to be able to use it for a long time so i want it to have enough features.i'm leaning towards the Canon, but i'm not sure. Any advice?

I'm in the market for an SLR camera. My mom has always had a Nikon, so I'm leading towards that. However, I would like opinions on which (Nikon or Canon) is better and even which models are currently best.

Need a Digital camera for HDR & HD movies?
I'm looking for a good digital camera for several uses.
10x optical zoom or larger
Raw output or some sort of auto bracketing exposure for playing with HDR
HD video recording with the ability to zoom while recording.
I was looking at Casio 9.1MP Exilim EX-FH20 that seem to fit the bill, but all review sites give it soso photo quality results. Same with the Nikon P100, and that can't output to Raw files either.

So my friend recently gave me two SLR bodies and a bunch of lenses, and one of the bodies is a Nikon F. It has a cracked pentaprism. I was wondering how this would affect my photos and if it could be repaired. If it can be repaired would it be costly?

How to take a picture with a SLR?
So. I borrowed a Nikon SLR. No idea how to use it.
And for the last 15 minutes, I've taken 3 pictures. Why? Cause I keep pressing the button, but it only auto adjusts. I just want to take a picture! I would like it to auto-adjust, but just SNAP THE PICTURE!
So.what's the trick to doing it?
Added (1). There's no manual.

Nikon PB-5 bellows directions/magnification tables?
I'm looking for a.pdf of the Nikon directions on a PB-5 bellows unit. Specifically, I would like to see the magnification tables based on the lens and the distance utilized between the lens and the camera body. If someone knows/has this.pdf, you get a quick 10 points!
Added (1). Phi-your link was informative, but lacking on the actual graph showing magnification verses lens/camera distance noted on the bellows.
Spaz-Thank you for the link to buy the manual, but I was hoping someone had an online version I could quickly check out.

Your opinion on the best compact camera?
I've been looking (for a few hours) at compact camera reviews online. I bought a Nikon P100 a couple weeks ago and decided that I really don't need a bigger camera. Plus, Nikon's features are complicating to me.
So, I went back to the camera store to scope out some smaller cameras before I return the P100. I saw the Fujifilm JZ 300 and was attracted to the blue light that light up by the power button (Yeah, sounds weird. I know).It could also zoom during video which is a major plus.
Anyway, when I got home, I looked up reviews on it and it didn't get the best of ratings.
Basically, I'm just asking for an opinion on what I should look at. I can't research anymore due to this headache I've developed from looking at the computer screen for so long.: S
P.S. I'm pretty picky when it comes to the display buttons on the back of the camera. Most of the cameras I looked at I didn't like because of that.

I will have about $600 to work with. I was looking at Amazon and they had a couple different brands. Nikon, Sony, Canon.
I have no interest in using the camera professionally. I'm not overly worried about buying different lenses for quite a while. It will really just be used to taking pictures of my family and friends. I will want something very user friendly.
Added (1). Thanks for the answers so far. I guess by user friendly, I meant just not horribly complicated. I do intend to read the book cover and cover and experiment with the setting and things.
I have a point and shoot. I love taking pictures and would love to take professional grade pics of my family and friends.
What is a "bridge"?