Will nikon make a 50mm f1.8g?

Do you think that is in their agenda? Like a more afforable 50mm f1.8 that will auto focus on all digital slr's?
just want to know your thoughts cause i've been pondering about it for some time.

They will most likely replace all there current older AF models with AFS ones eventually, it's just a matter of time.
If the current AF 50mm f/1.8D was to be updated to AFS, I wouldn't expect it to be cheaper. It's more likely to be more expensive. Besides, the current AF 50mm f/1.8 is already one of the most affordable lenses around, at only $120 or so.
For the meantime, if you own the less-expensive entry level DSLRs such as the D3000 and D5000, the AFS Nikkor 35mm f/1.8G is the cheapest wide-aperture lens that will autofocus.

At f/1.8, you'll want to do it manually to get that critical focus spot-on.AF just won't do. Nikon's 50mm f/1.8 is already as cheap as it can get. It's actually a steal. If you insist on AF, get a slower lens or a better camera.

I highly doubt it. When they launched the 35mm f1.8 af-s they made it pretty clear that was aimed on the bottom end of the dx market since 35 x 1.5 =52.So, the standard lens for the crop body they said. Soon after the 50mm f1.4 came in a motorized version and that is most likely it.
What I do consider a possibility is that Sigma or possibly Tamron enters the market with one.
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