Nikon SLR Cameras

Cannon camera or Nikon camera?

Haleigh Cat 3
Haleigh Cat 3

For a present, my mom is getting me a nice camera to continue my photography. I need to know an opinion from people who know what they are talking about. I'm a beginner. I also need a decent camera that will get me along for awhile, at least 4-5 years? I also need one that is not to expensive, but not to cheap. SLR cameras. Please and Thank-You!


It depends on your budget… I own a canon slr yet most of my advices ends up with buy a nikon slr… It really depends on your budget.


Canon makes perhaps the best camera around. That said if your on a budget you might look at the Pentax Kx. I just ordered one for myself, because I want to get back into a camera with interchangeable lenses and at 67, I don't feel the need for as large a lens selection that Canon offers.


Apples and oranges, either will work and have a very similar set of features at any given price point. And a Canon is a camera, a cannon if s gun.


And max budget? 500$ or 1000$ or more?

I recommend Canon EOS XSi, T1i, T2i, 60D and Nikon D3100, D5000, D90 and D7000.

Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -

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