Sugest a slr camera 4 beginer photographer budget arnd 50 dolars?
I wud definitely prefer canon or may b nikon

SIGMA 15mm 1:2.8 EX FISHEYE does it fit a canon and a nikon?
I have recently won a lens on ebay but i'm trying to find if its works for my canon 60d. Are these lens compatible for canon and nikon? Please help… I won it for £122 so if it is for a nikon if i resold it would i get good money? I'm a novice with regards to photography as its a new element i've had to start for my masters degree in film production so ideally i brought my camera for filming more than photography.cheers

How to first charge my new dslr battery?
I just got my new nikon 7000. Now out of the box should I charge my battery before starting taking pic? Or should I drain out the battery and then charge it?

What thread mount does the Nikon FE2 have?
I'm confused what the thread mount is for my film camera.
Also, I want to buy a close-up filter for my lens. I have a 36-72mm Nikon lens, which lens filters will fit this lens?

Is the Sony A390 a pretty good camera?
So I want to get an SLR but can't get a Nikon or a Canon.
So I was wondering if the Sony A390 is a good camera for a beginner?
I can't find any reviews for it at Best Buy which is where I'm getting it from.
Added (1). It has an extra lens 50-200mm and a bag for it all for $516

Where to begin when buying a Digital Camera?
I'm looking to get a digital camera for Christmas and keep the price under $300. I have absolutely no idea what brand or model to get. I was thinking Canon, Nikon, or Sony, but if you have a better suggestion, I'm open to hear it.
I'm mainly going to use it to take pictures when I travel. Also, I'm an independent filmmaker and would like something that can take high-ish quality production stills.

Which NIKON lens do you prefer? The 18-70mm or the 55-200mm?
Which of those lens can produce a sharper image?
What other lens do you have in mind that produce a sharper image with a moderate range and not too expensive…
Do you consider SIGMA lenses as an option?

Which lenses work with Nikon FE2?
I have a Nikon FE2 manual camera and I'm currently using a Series E lens: 36-72mm zoom. I want to buy a close-up filter, but I'm confused as to which mm filters will work with this lens. Which mm filters will work with my camera?

Are brands like olympus and pentax as good as canon and sony camera-wise?
I'm getting a camera for christmas this year and i'm looking at every camera from every brand between $500-$700.everyone knows canon and nikon as the popular dslr brand, but lately i've been looking into the sony alphas, and olympus models. So given the price range, which brand/model would you suggest i get?

Can you use lomography film in a regular 35mm SLR camera?
I have a Nikon F3, which uses 35mm format. I was wondering if it's possible to use lomography film in it.