Why do photos from the same digital camera have different megapixels?
Photos from a nikon 12.3 mgp camera can have 1mpg or up to 6 mgp? Why doesn't every photo have 12.3 mgp?

Digital Camera Buying decision?
I want a digital camera to take on the boat, But don't want to spend a lot of money on it due to the chance of getting wet. I'm looking at getting it on ebay for under $100. What would you recommend? I could go used or refurbished. I had good luck with Nikon and Panasonic.

Any choices of lenses for Redrock Micro Adapter?
I have a Panasonic DVX100A and a Redrock Micro 35mm adapter, and I was wondering what kind of lenses would be a good choice for this setup. Looking for an F mount Nikon Lens(its a nikon mount) with manual focus.

Am looking for a new camera, any advice?
Preferably a nikon, sony, canon, or a fuji. A digital camera with a little zoom, nice pictures, and a little video.

Looking to buy a Nikon DSLR camera?
Do any of you know of the best Nikon for a low price?

So i'm taking a photography course and i need a "35 mm Single Lens Reflex Camera" with a manual mode of operationg
Anyone know some good ones? Not just brands like Nikon, but the model too

How to turn the flash off on my camera?
My camera is a digital Nikon camera from 2007. Its pink and doesn't have a touch screen…
the flash makes everyone look super pale and really creepy so i need to no how to turn it off. I was going to bring it to a party to take some good pics, but they won't look good if every picture is really pale and akward.
even if you don't have this camera, how do you turn it off? Links stories anything will help and REALLTY BE APPRECIATED Thank you

So i want to buy a photography camera, one like the one in this link,
$800 and under? Nikon or canon. I'm a beginner in photography. Good zoom, good working camera, easy to handle? Comments/advice on the the one i should get?

So i want to buy a photography camera, one like the one in this link,
$800 and under? Nikon or canon. I'm a beginner in photography. Good zoom, good working camera, easy to handle? Comments/advice on the the one i should get?

What is the Nikon equivalent to the Canon EOS Digital Rebel XS?
I prefer Nikon's over Canons, but I really love the quality of the Canon Rebel. And I was wondering if there was a Nikon with similar quality and features.