Will this nikon lens work on my camera?

and do you think it is a good buy? 300 is pretty much my maximum price range.

I'm no expert on Nikons, I'm a Canon girl.
However, I'm QUITE sure that that lens is cheap and basic (to put it politely).
You will see chromatic aberrations (purple fringing) and other nastiness.
If you're not very experienced in photography, you may not even really notice it very much just yet.
However, in time you will come to wish for better quality, and it makes sense to save up for the good stuff, rather than regret the cheapies.

If you have a Nikon D40, D40X, D60, D3000, D3100 or D5000 the Nikon Nikkor AF 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G lens you show will NOT auto focus on your camera. Those cameras require the Nikon AF-I or AF-S lenses for auto focus. If you have a Nikon D90 the lens will auto focus on it.
Since the lens you show doesn't have Nikon's Vibration Reduction (VR) its a lens you'll likely need to use on a tripod unless you can always keep your shutter speed at 1/300 sec. Or above.
You might want to consider saving your money until you can afford either of these lenses:
AF-S DX Nikkor 55-300mm f4.5-5.6G ED VR
AF-S VR Nikkor 70-300mm f4.5-5.6G IF-ED

Either that shop is very expensive or camera gear costs a mint in australia.
I've owned that lens, bought it when it was almost out of the nikon lineup. At the end it sold for about 110 euros which is almost half of what it goes for at the site you mentioned. It was worth that kind of money but not much more. It's a budget telezoom so it really needs stopping down to at least f8 to get anything like sharpness, especially beyond 200mm.
Also, it's motorless so if you got a D40/D60/D3000/D5000 or D3100 ti will not autofocus.
Ask yourself, do you really need 300mm? If not then go for this one: http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod4990.htm
If you do then save a bit and go for this: http://www.digitalcamerawarehouse.com.au/prod3423.htm
Both are much, much better than that nasty 70-300G-type.

Judging from the prices of the 55-200mm vr lens from the same company that 70-300 G lens is way over priced. The 55-200 vr is better and newer than that old lens.

I would consider it is the best
Nikon 70-300mm f/4-5.6G AF Nikkor SLR Camera Lens
Technical Details
Compact and lightweight, this 4.3x autofocus zoom lens is ideal for candid shots, portraits, travel and sports photography
Count on genuine Nikon optics for outstanding picture quality
This is a G designated lens, not ED series - Nikon Part #1928
Accepts 62mm filters (see sidebar)
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