How to take a picture with a SLR?

So. I borrowed a Nikon SLR. No idea how to use it.
And for the last 15 minutes, I've taken 3 pictures. Why? Cause I keep pressing the button, but it only auto adjusts. I just want to take a picture! I would like it to auto-adjust, but just SNAP THE PICTURE!
So.what's the trick to doing it?
Added (1). There's no manual.

If you hold the button half way down it will adjust, then click it the rest of the way and it will take the picture.

Same with every camera… Hold the button down halfway to let it focus, then push in all the way to get the picture.
of course to take a REAL picture is a DSLR camera would be to put it in manual mode and do what you want to do with the picture.

All cameras whether SLR or otherwise have a 2 stage button.
You push half way to focus and get exposure, and then all the way to take the picture.
If the slr is slow or the motor is slow, then it will focus slow.
Also, there's a constant/continuous setting near the lens usually, that will allow camera to take picture and focus/expose at the same time. Not all the pictures will be in focus, but it will start taking pictures instantly.
Also, some cameras have 2 autofocus modes. There's the standard method that checks pixel defraction and there's a range so the image is technically focused within that rance.
For a more perfect method, optical contrast is used.

Must be annoying to be so ignorant and so dyslexic that you can't even read a manual.
Anyway, press all the way trough
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