Your opinion on the best compact camera?

I've been looking (for a few hours) at compact camera reviews online. I bought a Nikon P100 a couple weeks ago and decided that I really don't need a bigger camera. Plus, Nikon's features are complicating to me.
So, I went back to the camera store to scope out some smaller cameras before I return the P100. I saw the Fujifilm JZ 300 and was attracted to the blue light that light up by the power button (Yeah, sounds weird. I know).It could also zoom during video which is a major plus.
Anyway, when I got home, I looked up reviews on it and it didn't get the best of ratings.
Basically, I'm just asking for an opinion on what I should look at. I can't research anymore due to this headache I've developed from looking at the computer screen for so long.: S
P.S. I'm pretty picky when it comes to the display buttons on the back of the camera. Most of the cameras I looked at I didn't like because of that.

If you can buy the December issue of Consumer Reports (Safeway carries it), they have a full ratings report on sub-compact, compact, and superzoom digital cameras. There are 62 subcompact cameras listed. The features listed are optical zoom, widest angle, battery life, photo quality, video quality, image stabilization, and versatility. For example, if I wanted 10X or better zoom, and very good video and low-light photo quality, I would first look at the Casio EXilim EX-H5 at a list price of $170.It weighs only 6 ounces, has 12 megapixels, 240-hour battery life, and its only drawback is the only fair quality of its LCD screen. It is rated as a Best Buy by CR.
Consumer Reports is the easiest way to rate consumer electronic devices, as they are an independent testing organization with no ties to business, and they summarize all their findings in easy-to-read charts.

The premier Advanced Compact camera in general are
Canon S95
Canon G12
Nikon P7000
Samsung TL500
Panasonic LX5
The Canon S95 is really impressive. It is about the size of pack of cigarettes but produces tremendous images for a compact. I also like the Panasonic LX5 a lot as well.