Nikon 3100, Nikon 5000, or Canon EOS Rebel t2i?

I've been taking pictures for about 3 and 1/2 years now on my regular point and shoot camera.i'm ready to upgrade to a DSLR camera but i'm unsure of which one is the best. I take a lot of pictures so it's important that it's fast but also takes high quality photos. I want it to be simple enough that i can get the hang of it but i want to be able to use it for a long time so i want it to have enough features.i'm leaning towards the Canon, but i'm not sure. Any advice?

Canon eos Rebel t2i for defiantly. I don't know its just a good camera.

You basically described a normal DSLR. You can get great shots with them, but not just because you bought them - you must read a little bit too, and practice.
So you want lots of features. Why? Won't you take pictures in the end? I guarantee you will maybe use 1 feature, that's it - video. Other features are marketing.
The D5000 was good, but there are many better out today. D3100 is one of them, but the T2i is even better. However, all have same image quality so nothing to worry about.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -
Here's a review of the T2i:
Good luck! The site has many more tutorials, tips, reviews and guides!
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