Nikon or Canon SLR Camera?

I'm in the market for an SLR camera. My mom has always had a Nikon, so I'm leading towards that. However, I would like opinions on which (Nikon or Canon) is better and even which models are currently best.

Well first of all you have to know your budget, also, you really should go Nikon because your mom has a Nikon. Going Canon would just be counterproductive and you would have to buy the same things twice.
The best Beginner DSLR camera is the Nikon D3100
The best middle-range DSLR is the Nikon D7000
then the best of the best is the Nikon D3x
I don't know your skill level but you may have learned some things from your mom.

You're going to get differing opinions because of experience and brand loyalty. I'm a Canon guy and I always recommend what I own and know.
I've had my camera for over a year and it's excellent. I you also want video this is not the camera for you. However, just shooting stills? This camera is excellent.

Both Nikon and Canon are good brand for SLR camera but personally I prefer Nikon.

It depends on the model, and if your mom has some lenses for Nikon DSLRs, I'd get a Nikon.
Here's a post called 'Buying a DSLR, what's important, megapixels, features, brand, price, quality and which one to buy -
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