Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

Not sure how to choose a digital SLR for beginners?

I need a digital SLR for beginner photography. I only need high quality resolution, a good lens, filter, and maybe a flash.

The pictures that I'm taking are for my makeup and art portfolio, and I need good quality, clean and crisp pictures for it. Also, I live in Canada, so my choices are probably Nikon or Canon.

Please give me some choices? I don't know how to start looking. The range should be no more than $1.1k

Added (1). Yes I was considering doing close-ups for mainly only some of the CGs and E&Ps such as rule of thirds, close-ups, texture, and what not. But also the entire body because I want to own my own salon as well so I want hair and fashion to be in the picture as well.

For right now, I'll just have to use the normal lens (arm's length distance should be good enough for myself as an amateur) until I save up for a macro lens because the camera is what I need the most right now.

3 answers

What kind of DSLR for beginners?

I'm 12. Interested in photography and never had any exp with a DSLR. Would like a suggestion of beginner ones I could use. Canon or Nikon suggestions would be great. Also, remember, I'm 12 and a beginner.PS: no answers saying I'm too young or to get a digital camera or anything non-relevant to my question. Tq.

2 answers

Will I be able to get a second exchange on my faulty camera?

Nearly 2 weeks ago, I got a Panasonic DMC-F3 digital camera, and after 2 days some black lines started appearing on the screen (even though I have never dropped i and has never come in contact with water) and then started growing into 4 spots (circles) so I took it back 4 days ago and got a replacement but then guess what? The SAME THING happened to the new camera! It had exactly the same problem, black lines and spots on the screen, and today I went to check up on it and the WHOLE screen was green (the camera was off) so I tried turning it on and nothing happened. And I got the battery out, put it back in, and now it is not turning on at all. I'm on a 3 year warranty.

So my question is will I be able to get a SECOND replacement and can I get a different brand camera eg. Canon, Nikon. Or can I get a full refund and then buy another brand camera.

2 answers

Best Quality HD Camcorder?

Alright so, I need a some what movie quality HD Camcorder to shoot some music videos. I have been shooting them with my Nikon L110 which doesn't shoot the best HD Quality. Basically I'm on a low budget of about $300. I was looking into the Canon Vixia HF R100, but the reviews and footage iI saw from it was slightly jittery, and the picture was to bland for me. Maybe something that works well in low light? Thing is I don't know much about camcorder, so i have turned to you guys!

4 answers

Looking to buy a new digital camera, but i do not know anything about them?

Looking to replace our current digital camera. The camera we have does not have a fast enough shutter speed (so i've been told atleast b/c i don't know).so we're looking for a good quality digital camera that can take a good action picture, as well as good video, but in a price range for about 200-300 dollars. If n e one could give us info on what to look for when looking at new camera so we know we get a good quality, but also a good deal. Also what are the good brands, i assume nikon, cannon, sony r the good ones, but i only assume that b/c those r the names i know.n e information would be greatly appreciated!

Annette Leigh Haynes
3 answers
Annette Leigh Haynes

Using Ilford 3200 ASA B&W 35mm Film indoors?

Using Ilford 3200 ASA B&W 35mm Film indoors?
Using Nikon SLR Camera I have never used higher than 400 ASA.
If I'm using 3200 ASA do I need a Flash in good lighting situations or not any tips you might have for me using this high speed Film.

4 answers

How to mount a 500mm f8 mirror lens to my nikon DSLR?

I bought a cheap 500mm "Prospec" fixed aperture (f8) lens, but need to learn what adapter is needed.

Added (1). - I know this lens is not going to be a stellar performer. Just to clarify… It is a 500mm f8 manual focus. It came with what might be a cannon mount.similar to this ebay item…
I'm simply looking to learn about how to mount it not use a teleconverter.paid $15 bucks for this and just want to have some fun experimenting.

4 answers

SLR CAMERAS- Nikon or Canon?

I'm looking into buying an SLR camera, but I really don't know anything about the companies and such…
What company would be really good? And if you really know something, please give me advice on models…
ANY information would be greatly appreciated… Thank you!

London Leonard
3 answers
London Leonard

Difference between this and an slr camera?


which is better?
pros && cons?

3 answers

Which DSLR camera brand do you prefer? And why?

I'm trying to search for a good camera to buy. Canon or Nikon? I was focused on getting a Canon but now I'm reconsidering because Nikon might be more cheaper and whatnot.

My budget is $600 and lower, I'm not interested in buying a real expensive camera right now but I do want to buy an SLR camera.

It would be nice if you could also tell me what to look for when buying a SLR camera, thanks!
I know some of the aspects already but more advice is great.