Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers

What would be a good Macro lens especially for Flower photography?

I was thinking of a 60 mm Macro Lens. But than again, I'm more into flower than bugs, but if I want to do macro photography of bugs, should I get a 105 mm Macro Lens so that I won't have to be so close to the critters? Thanks. And I have a Nikon Camera if you have a good Macro lens to recommend

Added (1). Http://

Would this one be good?

8 answers

What exactly is the difference between Canon and NIkon's DSLR shots?

This is not a thread to make a debate for which is a better brand. I just want to know what's the difference between these two brands in taking photos using a DSLR. I know there's some difference on their photos, but i really can't tell what it is. What are the advantages of canon in their DSLR photos? What are the advantages of nikon in their DSLR photos? I don't mean disrespect but i don't want answers like "canon is better" or nikon is better". Yeah we already know! If its possible i want some decent answers. Thanks in advance.

Added (1). AGAIN. I just want to get your opinion on which you think the difference between their photos. Like what DR. Iblis say here. For example "nikon has a more saturated image and canon have a 'softer' image".

Renee Thompson
3 answers
Renee Thompson

Best Nikon DSLR Camera for wedding photography?

I'm thinking about starting my own business and looking to upgrade my Nikon DSLR, Anybody know the best Nikon camera for wedding photography?

1 answer

How to do multiple exposures on a Nikon N65?

I have a Nikon N65 SLR camera and I'm trying to figure out how to do a double exposure.

I know that I have to use the exposure compensation button to compensate for the over-exposure that would occur. My main problem is that I do not know how to rewind a single frame… Or to keep the film from advancing so I can expose a single frame twice.

Annette Leigh Haynes
2 answers
Annette Leigh Haynes

Vivitar 3x Tele-converter?

Nikon F Manual Prism has no metering system for Vivitar 3x Tele-Converter using 35mm lens with 3x Tele-Converter should I use a lower f stop? Using Makinon Macro 80mm to 200mm zoom lens f1: 4.5 with 3x Tele-Converter how many f-stops should I stop down?
Can you help me on this issue?

Added (1). I'm using Gossen Luna Pro F Light-Meter.

3 answers

Can i convert my K type bayonet mount Ricoh lenses to fit my nikon N65 SLR?

I have a richo K-R5 With lenses i really like but i bought a new N65 is there any way i can use the old lenses from my Ricoh on my n65 or am i better off just selling them?

2 answers

What is the lens mount on a Nikon N65 35mm SLR camera?

I have a Nikon N65 which I use for photography at my school. I want to expand my lens quiver to allow for more effects in my pictures. What is the lens mount on the Nikon N65? And will new lenses work with it?

3 answers

Cheap vintage SLR camera? - 1

I'm looking for at least one more vintage SLR that is reliable and built to last. It has to be completely manual without any electronics besides battery for the light meter if it has one. I'm looking to buy from eBay. My budget is rather tight about £25 maximum. What are your recommendations?

Currently, I have a Zenit TTL, Praktica MTL3 and a Nikon F50. I would preferably want a camera of a different brand than these ones.

ashley wood
3 answers
ashley wood

Where can I get a cheap stylish camera bag for my dslr?

I live in a big city and would like a camera bag that doesn't look like one. I recently got my lovely nikon d-90 stolen while my purse and my friends prada bag that was wide open was left untouched. I really like the Jill-E bags but they are so unaffordable. I was hoping for something around 40 or under. Online would be preferred and picture links would be loved thank you lots.
Please do not suggest a purse site unless they are a padded. I need protection for my expensive camera. And please, before you yell at me about being an amateur or "disgracing the name of serious photographers everywhere," please take into considerationg to love of keeping my camera safe. I want a non-camera bag looking bag to avoid theft of my Nikon.

Added (1). I already checked both amazon and ebay

6 answers

Where do they have a good selection of woven camera straps?

I'm looking for a woven camera strap for my new DSLR camera (Nikon). I've looked at &, but they don't have any I really like. Do you guys know another website with woven (hippie-esque) camera straps?