Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Among NIKON, CANON, SONY digital cameras which will be better (no SLR group)?

Please clear my confuse which digital camera will be best for domestic purpose among NIKON and CANON. Except SLR group which will be best for picture quality and video quality please suggest me soon.

3 answers

Can you use Cannon SLR lenses on Cannon D-SLR cameras?

Recently, my aunt decided to give me her Cannon SLR lenses. Unfortunately, these lenses, 50mm and 70 mm, are pretty "ancient" by today's standards, seeing that these lenses were used for a Cannon SLR. To clarify, it's an SLR, NOT a D-SLR. Her old camera, that no longer works, was a camera that used actual film--developed, negatives, you get the idea. Right now, I'm half-way to buying a new D-SLR camera. However, the Cannon camera is actually more expensive than the Nikon that I've been eying. I just think that it'd be best to buy the Cannon if I can still use the lenses of my aunt, right?

isabelle c
3 answers
isabelle c

Camera with manual adjustments?

This is probably a Stupid Question, Haha but I know NOTHING about cameras!

A camera with manual adjustments and at least 3 megapixels.

Is that just a regular digital camera like a Canon PowerShot SD1200IS? (That's what I have)?
Or is it the more professional cameras like a Nikon?

4 answers

Best point-and-shoot camera?

I was thinking either sony or nikon. Sony has a memory stick which is going extinct but nikon apparently has very mixed reviews. I might go back to canons but I had one and the flash was really weird.
I just want it to take pictures of friends. Relatively cheap (Up to about 140 $)

4 answers

Among NIKON, CANON, SONY digital cameras which will be better?

I want to buy a digital camera and confuse to buy which model and why among CANON, NIKON, SONY, SAMSUNG? So please reply me which brand will be best in digital camera with video recording and with merits. Please answer me soon.

2 answers

Help finding a digital camera?

I really need a new digital camera. I was wondering what type would be best to get really artistic shots and one that has really fast and manual shutter speeds. I would love one to where you can take multiple shots really fast. I heard that Olympus is good and I have always like Nikon and Cannon.

5 answers

Does nikon dslr cameras include lens upon purchase?

Does nikon dslr cameras include lens upon purchase?

5 answers

Disappointed with Sony NEX-5: shall I go for a Lumix GF1?

I had a budget of 500 euros to buy a camera, I used to have a Canon DSLR a couple of years ago, and this time I wanted something slightly smaller and portable, but a high performance camera if not a DSLR (even though I could have bought a basic DSLR for this money, but portability really matters to me)
I considered Panasonic GF1, Olympus PEN, Sony NEX-5, Canon G12, Panasonic LX5 and Nikon P7000. I chose NEX-5 because of it's larger sensor than any of the above cameras mentioned, even though it was a tough choice between NEX-5 and GF1.
Now that I have used NEX-5 for a couple of weeks, the pictures look unsharp, over processed and soft to me. The auto focus is also sometimes not accurate. I can still return the camera to the shop for a full refund. I think results might improve if I use better quality lenses such as Nikon, but I then I lose autofocus feature and the camera will no longer be pocketable. I'd rather buy a DSLR than attaching a long lens to this thing.
If anyone here has used GF1 and NEX-5 or any of the cameras mentioned above, could you give me an opinion of which camera has better results than NEX-5?

Added (1). @ Jim A
Yes sir, I love Canon, but at the moment, Canon can't help me, since they haven't yet stepped into Micro four thirds. And brands are never "off" if the person knows what he/she is doing.
I have a pancake lens 16mm f2.8 (Sony kit lens). Yes I do mostly low light shooting, as I live in Finland, and sun hardly ever rises here in winters. I use mostly aperture priority setting, and high ISO's. But f2.8 is supposed to perform better in low light conditions. I also use tripod for any slow shutter speeds. Pictures are not terrible, but they are not up to my expectations sometimes. I compared with my friend's Nikon DSLR under the same settings and the difference in sharpness was evident.
I don't have many uploaded pictures, but here is one, you can see the blurry effect between the trees, I took this picture at 3200 ISO, shutter 3.5 sec, f2.8, NR on and without IS on tripod (actually placed the camera on a box of milk: D ).

2 answers

DSLR Camera Top LCD Screen

I know I'm crazy but do you guys put scratch resistant film for the top lcd screen? Lcd panel?

Something like that? I have a scratch on mine!

Added (1). I know its not a really huge deal but…

7 answers

10X Zoom would be equal to what MM for a Nikon Lens?

Looking at buying an SLR, I have a fuji camera that has a zoom of 10X… Now i know its not the same sort of zoom but i need to make sure I have or get a lens that will offer more then the 10X zoom on my fuji

Added (1). If something like a 18-250mm has 13.88X why would I go drop a bunch of money on a lens when I can get something like the Fuji HS10?

Added (2). Yeah, The thing is I need the big zoom for what I like to shoot