Nikon SLR Cameras

How to mount a 500mm f8 mirror lens to my nikon DSLR?


I bought a cheap 500mm "Prospec" fixed aperture (f8) lens, but need to learn what adapter is needed.

Added (1). - I know this lens is not going to be a stellar performer. Just to clarify… It is a 500mm f8 manual focus. It came with what might be a cannon mount.similar to this ebay item…
I'm simply looking to learn about how to mount it not use a teleconverter.paid $15 bucks for this and just want to have some fun experimenting.


Your first problem is that word "cheap". What you actually should have done is buy a Nikon lens.
Now what will happen, even if you do find an adaptor, is you will loose at least 2 f/stops because of that adaptor. Then will the lens focus properly? Who knows until you get it on. If not can you manually focus it? Who knows until you get it on.

I see a multitude of problems with this approach.


Jim is right. You get what you pay for. But a 500mm Nikon lens is going to cost you more than the body did. And at f 8, you're going to be limited to bright sunlight.


If you're sure it's a Canon mount, try searching google for a "canon to nikon adapter" and see what you come up with. Usually, it's very difficult to adapt lenses to a Nikon DSLR, but you can try.



You can't adapt Canon FD or EOS lenses to Nikon F without physically and permanently altering the lens. There may be adapters with optical components that should allow you to use it on your Nikon DSLR, but the 500mm isn't a great lens to start with and using such an adapter will alter the focal length and make it even slower.

Most of these cheap preset telephoto and mirror lenses are natively T-mount and include an adapter for other systems. If the Canon mount you mentioned came as a separate piece, unscrew it and check to see if the diameter of the screw-mount on the lens is 42mm. If it is, then all you need is a T-mount to Nikon F adapter which can be found on eBay for mere dollars.

If, however, the Canon mount is affixed to the lens and can't be removed, you're out of luck.