Nikon SLR Cameras
Jordan lll .o
1 answer
Jordan lll .o

How to do light graffiti?

I have a Nikon P100 digital camera, but i'm not sure how i would go about doing the light graffiti. I know where i need to do it and that it needs a tripod or hard surface but what settings would i use? And where do i find them on the camera?

3 answers

Is it okay to use my nikon SB600 speedlight flash during a state wrestling match?

I need to get GOOD pictures. Since my lens isn't as fast as I'd like, I usually use my speedlight to get sharper pictures. But during any kind of sporting event, I'm afraid I will blind and distract the players. Is it okay to use it? Or should I just make due with my normal flash and pray it's clear?

2 answers

What first DSLR should i purchase?

I first had a canon sd750 and now i have an sx210is because of all of its manual controls like dslrs but am not to satisfied with its picture quality and want to move up to a dslr. I'm 15 and like taking all sort of pictures but mostly macro and long exposure… I already know the basics and want something that can grow with me. I was thinking something refurbished from nikon or canon and my budget is 600

Cat Wat
7 answers
Cat Wat

Are Canon cameras good for photography?

Not like, a little digital one to take pics at the beach with friends, but like a really nice big one… Canon or Nikon? Because I've heard Nikons are over-rated.

Added (1). Well, thanks to the people who answered my question. And to the people who said I was buying one as neck jewelry and my question was stupid, eff you thats rude.

3 answers

I want to ruin my camera do i do it?

I'm reposting this but in different terms

i HAD the nikon s3000 before my mom took it away it. And she is asking for the battery since i took pictures on the INTERNAL BATTERY… And i don't want her to see my photos with my friends(they arent bad… Its just my parents are old indian fashioned, u understand) … So if i show it to my teachers… They won't think its bad. Its just me and my guy-friend… Thats all…

anyway… I want to ruin my battery, so when i hand it over to her, my camera won't work because my battery doesn't work…

do you get my plan?

i'm not a bad girl, but they make me feel like i'm… Everyone thinks i'm an angel and i'm a good girl instead of my parents…

i only have the battery. My mom took away the camera! And the photos are on the internal memory of the camera! I didn't use a memory card!

so please help.

if i microwave the battery will it explode? Should i put it in hot water? I need my battery in piece! Not broken!

Shaina Polk
1 answer
Shaina Polk

A battery pack for a vivitar 285hv?

I have two vivitar 285hv flashes, my only prob is i won't to use a battery pack like the
Quantum Turbo Battery Pack, but something a little less expensive. But every time i search itll say for either canon or nikon? :0 could someone help

2 answers

Nikon camera battery pack expanded.what does this mean?

I have a Nikon camera battery pack (EN-EL8) that for some weird reason expanded. It's fairly new and what not, but I'm not sure why it literally expanded… (almost like a bloating of the battery pack). I've stopped use of it, but I'm just wondering what could have caused this. I've kept it in pretty good shape, away from sunlight and heat.

Chaud Blaze
1 answer
Chaud Blaze

Dial on nikon lens for what?

There's a dial on some nikon lens that changes somethings from inifite to 0 in foots or meters. What is that dial for? Why some lens have that? What for? It is not the zoom

Added (1). If its the focus ring, then, if is auto focus, like its a AF-S lens, it move itself when auto focusing?

1 answer

I have a non digital Nikon N50. How can I get a battery for it?

I have a non digital Nikon N50. How can I get a battery for it?

Kassidy Mcconville
1 answer
Kassidy Mcconville

Good beginning camera for photography?

I'm turning 17 this month, and I really want to buy a nice photography camera with the money I receive. My budgets around is about $300, and I'm looking to buy a Nikon or Canon, if thats a possibility. Something I can hook right up to the computer to get the photos off. I've been taking photos for a couple years now, but have only been using my Olympus digital, and am ready to take the next step up. I probably won't buy one for a few years after this, so something thats long lasting and will continue to keep taking great photos for me! Nothing like the little dinky digital cameras… Something with a nice big lens and such. Just to get me a little more experienced. Thank you so much! If you have any other camera suggestions, that'd be greatly appreciated.