Nikon SLR Cameras
Mike Castillo
2 answers
Mike Castillo

Mirror doesn't reset after shutter release?

I own a Nikon FG traditional film camera. It is only allowing me to take pictures and advance film when I'm in bulb mode. Otherwise, I can press the shutter release and then the mirror goes up, it takes the photo, but the mirror doesn't come back down. Also note that the light meter is not functional (I'm relatively new to film photography, I'm purely digital so far).

Added (1). The bulb functionality on mine is open shutter as long as you hold the button or cable release. The camera is from 1982 and it was my fathers who has long since lost the manual. The confusing thing is that it worked for me several months ago just fine. Would it be something electrical? Because I read that the shutter release and light meter are electrically controlled on this camera.

7 answers

Which type of professional camera would be better for an amateur?

A Nikon or Canon? Or another brand really, just something that's good for landscape & nature photography, but also for body shots and stuff. It can't be more than $200, so fairly decent. I'm not going to be buying separate lenses until I get the hang of the camera and save up for different lenses anyways. And 'sides I'm only 14 now anyways, I don't need to go all out yet.
Any suggestions?

Added (1). Actually, my dad found one a little while back that was $228.50 that I was gonna get, but didn't have enough then. He was gonna get it for me but I wanted to pay for it. So I'll just ask where he found it.
But which type of camera is good for landscape & nature?

Added (2). Wait not $228. Its $260, but its not too far off.

Added (3). Immature? I didn't thumb any answers down, that'd be idiotic of me. I'm not a child (well I'm but I don't act like that. I'm no brat.) Don't assume things like that.

Added (4). Yes, I know there extremely expensive. I found one that's $260, "professional" per say with the choice of changing lenses and such. Pristine condition, fairly new. So it obviously wasn't impossible to find one.

4 answers

What low aperture Nikon Lenses will be compatible with Canon EOS (550d)?

Hi! I've been busy searching for any low aperture lenses (preferrably 1.2-1.4 fstop) for my Canon 550d… But I'm not too interested in spending more than $150… So, that immediately cuts out any new lenses with AF. I looked at a canon FD lens, (50mm f/1.4) and that I'd only need to buy an adapter for, but apparently, canon fd lenses DO NOT work well with EOS bodies because of some internal focusing issue. So I'm asking if anyone knows an old manual lens (preferably nikon---or anything other than canon) that works well with canon EOS bodies---obviously it will require an adapter, but if you know what type of adapter I should get too, that would be great!

3 answers

How many pictures can a 2GB SD memory card hold?

I'm going on a trip soon and plan on taking A TON of pictures, so I would like to know how many my memory card can hold.
My digital camera is a 14.1 MP by Nikon, if that helps any.

3 answers

Can I mount Canon lenses to a Nikon dslr?

I have a Canon 50mm film lens in excellent condition. No use for it. Can I mount it to a Nikon Dslr with a mount?

5 answers

I'm looking to buy a digital SLR camera, but which one?

Looking to start getting a little more serious about my photography hobby and I need some advice on which SLR camera is best. Nikon, Canon, etc? Any other details you can share that I should look for would be great. Also, where is the best place to buy one?

Melissa Martin
3 answers
Melissa Martin

How to fix the auto manual focus switch on a camera?

I have a NIkon DX3100. The lens is a 55-200 mm. The switch for auto and manual focusing will not move. Is there anyway i could fix this myself?

2 answers

A good SLR Manual 35mm SLR camera with manual focus?

I'm looking for a good (and fairly cheap) SLR manual 35mm SLR camera with auto focus. I want manual focus, because it looks better to use myself.
Does anyone know of a good camera?
Preferably Nikon or Canon.

Dr. Elrod Livingstone
2 answers
Dr. Elrod Livingstone

Advice on the best 1080p recording from a point and shoot camera that's out now?

I don't want to carry around a video camera or a big dslr. Just looking for the best 1080p video out there on a point and shoot. I've wrote off sony and have been looking at the Nikon s9100 or the PowerShot SX230 HS. I've noted the zoom sound on the Nikon as well as the poor image stabilization. I know mega-pixels don't equate to great image size, however a larger image sensor allows more information and better video quality. Still images are very important to me as well. Any advice on this matter will be well received.

the happy marshie
3 answers
the happy marshie

Need suggestions for DSLR camera?

I've been really into photography lately but don't really have the equipment to get quality pictures (I just use the camera of my phone).So I thought of saving up for a DSLR camera but I'm not really sure what to get.

I already have brands in mind like Canon, Nikon, or Sony. So which of these are better?
Also, I don't really need a complicated DSLR since I'm just starting off. One with easy controls but of course still not lacking when it comes to features.
Affordability is a must too (I'm still studying).

My friends have a Canon EOS 1000D DSLR's, are they any good? Because I think it's the cheapest available here in our area.
Or are there any new ones that are good too? (from any of the brands mentioned previously)

Please specify brand and model.
If possible, provide some specs too.