Nikon SLR Cameras

Need suggestions for DSLR camera?

the happy marshie
the happy marshie

I've been really into photography lately but don't really have the equipment to get quality pictures (I just use the camera of my phone).So I thought of saving up for a DSLR camera but I'm not really sure what to get.

I already have brands in mind like Canon, Nikon, or Sony. So which of these are better?
Also, I don't really need a complicated DSLR since I'm just starting off. One with easy controls but of course still not lacking when it comes to features.
Affordability is a must too (I'm still studying).

My friends have a Canon EOS 1000D DSLR's, are they any good? Because I think it's the cheapest available here in our area.
Or are there any new ones that are good too? (from any of the brands mentioned previously)

Please specify brand and model.
If possible, provide some specs too.


Check out the Canon T3 or T3i. They are pretty affordable, use new tech, and have a built in guide on how to use the camera.


Learning a dslr
just go for a beginer dslr. And as you progress invest the money in lenses. Because in dslr lenses form the most important part. A body has a limited lifespan so after maybe 4 or five years you will have to change it. But lenses if handled careefully can be used with your new cam too provided both are of the same company.

And in case you are not sure of all these lenses and other things better invest in a high end point and shoot which costs as much as a low end dslr…
These days there's not much diff between a dslr and a point and shoot…
The main diff is that a dslr allows you to control most things manually. But these days it is available in point and shoots too.

Canon and nikon are good companies. I'm not sure about sony… And before buying do go to a shop and try the cam because dslr's tend to be a bit bigger so select the one with which you are comfortable.
And once you buy do take care that dust does not enter the cameras body, due to the ability to change lenses its common for dust to get inside the body.
Just check the model i have posted below.
If you have been able to manage with a mobile a point and shoot will be better.

Learning a dslr may take time but its always fun once you learn it.

Just check out karl taylors online classes he has some free cources about introduction to photography and you can find his videos in youtube. It helped me when i first began.


I personally am a bit partial to Canon. I also just recently purchased my first DSLR and I'm very happy with it. Albeit, on your budget a Canon 1000D is a great choice. I choose Canon as there's a great, diverse, yet affordable lens range. Something like a 1.8 50mm lens only costs 180 bucks. Such a brilliant lens for a small price. The next thing you have to take into account is whether you want video capabilities. Something a bit more pricey like the Canon 550d does both stills and video brilliantly. Many of my friends use it. We have also used the Canon 7d, a much more expensive upgrade from the 550d and see no need to fork out that extra cash.

I love my Canon, and I would highly recommend the 1000D.