Nikon SLR Cameras

How many pictures can a 2GB SD memory card hold?


I'm going on a trip soon and plan on taking A TON of pictures, so I would like to know how many my memory card can hold.
My digital camera is a 14.1 MP by Nikon, if that helps any.


It really really depends on the picture quality. If you're taking high def, high res you're only going to get about 200, maybe more maybe less. I'd guess about 350 - 420. Hope this helps

You Make My Brain Hurt
You Make My Brain Hurt

No, that doesn't help. What matters is the quality you're shooting at (Fine v. Medium v. Small, or however it's named), and the format (raw v.jpg, raw & jpg, v.jpg). Even each scene determines file size. A real busy scene makes for a larger file than one of a plain wall.


Both are right- learn your camera settings, the higher the resolution of the picture the more it will use up, theoretically you could get 2048 1mb pics on there- or just one 2gig video (lil less as some of the card is used in formatting etc) If you look at the file size of the the type of pictures you usually take you can figure out pretty easy- conversion link below

Bottom line- SD cards have gotten so cheap- and they are so easy to pack/store you should just buy a few more gigs- there's nothing worse than being away and either having to find someplace to unload your card to or scrolling through and deciding which to delete to make more room- get more storage and take tons of pics- best way to get get the best pics is take a lot