Nikon SLR Cameras

Which type of professional camera would be better for an amateur?


A Nikon or Canon? Or another brand really, just something that's good for landscape & nature photography, but also for body shots and stuff. It can't be more than $200, so fairly decent. I'm not going to be buying separate lenses until I get the hang of the camera and save up for different lenses anyways. And 'sides I'm only 14 now anyways, I don't need to go all out yet.
Any suggestions?

Added (1). Actually, my dad found one a little while back that was $228.50 that I was gonna get, but didn't have enough then. He was gonna get it for me but I wanted to pay for it. So I'll just ask where he found it.
But which type of camera is good for landscape & nature?

Added (2). Wait not $228. Its $260, but its not too far off.

Added (3). Immature? I didn't thumb any answers down, that'd be idiotic of me. I'm not a child (well I'm but I don't act like that. I'm no brat.) Don't assume things like that.

Added (4). Yes, I know there extremely expensive. I found one that's $260, "professional" per say with the choice of changing lenses and such. Pristine condition, fairly new. So it obviously wasn't impossible to find one.


You won't be able to come close to being able to purchase a Professional Camera for only $200. Try adding at least $2800.So in your case trying getting a simple Point and Shoot instead.

Low Profile
Low Profile

Well, there's NO "professional" camera available for $200, sorry, but the best camera available for up to $200 right now is probably one of the Panasonic "Lumix" series. They seem to get very good reviews all the time, so definitely check them out (see links, below).


The nikon d3000
try these the second one is really cheap


Well Any Dslr Is Over $200 One of the best but least expensive cameras Is a Nikon D3000 Its about $500 it comes with a 55mm lens or a wide angle lens which is Good for Nature and Body shots… And its understandable and not too fancy… I have One And personally love it I'm only 15 and just getting Started with Digital photography I learned On a 35mm black and white and have used my moms Nikon D70 but I think the D3000 one of the simpler Nikon's to use and Defiantly learn on… Good luck On Finding The Camera you really want because in the end its up to you…

You Could also go to a CoolPix its just an Slr not a Dslr so you just can't change the lens but here is the link to that one
and the link for the D3000

If you want to email me and talk about it more you can my email is


I'm not going to tell you what yo want to hear either so just thumb me down, huff and pout and be on with it.


Do you have any idea on how much a Professional Camera really cost? Much more than $200


A "Pro" camera will cost anywhere from $3000 USD and up for the body alone. Then you have to think about the lens.
I'm assuming that you really want a dSLR. But there are hard to find new for $200 or less. Best bet, an older Nikon D70, or a Canon rebel.