Nikon SLR Cameras
3 answers

Which Pro Canon DSLR would you buy? Canon 7D, 5D (mk.) or 1D (mk.) and why?

I'm interested in knowing what features people look for in Pro Canon gear.

State a model and tell me why you would have it… If you've already got a Pro Canon DSLR, would you upgrade to a different one if you had the money? Or stay with what you've already got?

I'm so sorry if you've got a Nikon or other brand camera… But this ones for the Canon users. Feel free to argue why Nikons are better though…

3 answers

Borrowing Money from the Bank?

I'm getting a nikon. I need money for it. I'm 13. Will my parents go for this if I say i want them to take money out of the bank for it and I can pay them back by the end of the summer from mowing lawns? They know how badly I want it. I'm getting an awesome deal on one with an amazing zoom lens. Is my plan gonna work. Is it realistic?

4 answers

What type of nikon digital camera is best altogether?

What type of nikon digital camera is best altogether? (:?

5 answers

What brand of digital camera is best?

Out of these if better or just name good ones. Thanks
Canon (9) Casio (11) Fujifilm (21) GE (28) Hitachi (17) Kodak (13) Nikon (6) Olympus (7) Panasonic (3) Pentax (9) Samsung (9) Sony (9) Vivitar (27)

4 answers

Digital camera super zoom series?

Helo everyone, i'm going to buy a super zoom DSC camera, but i'm very much confused with the options i have dsc hx1 p500 sx30 is
please guys advice me which one to buy… My choice is sony u people tell

7 answers

Buy wholesale dslr camera?

I found this ad after searching for discounts on dslr's, i talked to the person via messenger, he said he would give me a deal and sell me one for the normal bulk price, he claims to be located within Malaysia. Should i go through with it? What ways could i buy it from him and still be able to get my money back if it happens to be fake?

2 answers

How to advance film in a manual/automatic 35mm Nikon N60?

I'm on spring break in Colorado and I brought my Nikon N60 to take pictures for school, but I had to take the lens off to fix something. When I put the lens back on the film reeled in so that the roll restarted to picture 1. I tried to see if I could advance the film but the scroll to advance it didn't seem to be working. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if its just broken. I would really love to take more quality pictures rather than using my phone or cheap digital camera, as my vacation has just started.

3 answers

Need some ideas for a nikon (or pentax) dslr setup?

I've been interested in investing in a new setup for a while so after my 30D died on me i pounced on the chance. I only had 1 lens on my 30D, which i will just use on my old Rebel.

I'm stuck on choosing between a Pentax camera or a Nikon because of their wide amount of lenses and their backwards compatibility with old lenses. The downside with Pentax is there's no Full Framer camera to grow into but at least i know what i'm looking for with a pentax. I have heard alot of good things about Nikon but my knowledge is almost zip lol. I'm currently trying to catch up with my research but this may take a while.

My budget is a little unclear at the moment somewhere between 500-$700 currently. I would be buying used on ebay. I have been eyeballing the K-x with a pentax 18-35mm FAJ AL ( i already own a couple adatall lenses for either nikon or pentax). Still undecided on a nikon body or lenses to go with it though so i will take any suggestions

2 answers

What DSLR is reasonably priced and good for beginners?

I have used a Nikon SLR in the past and found it reasonably easy to use. Now I'm ready to invest in a digital camera, that without much experience can produce awesome looking photos, any ideas?

2 answers

Trouble reading (new) 16gb sd card?

I recently bought a 16gb sd memory card for my nikon s570, and used it to video tape and photograph a concert.about halfway through the concert, when i started to record something (id already shot some stuff before and it came out fine), it stopped about 5 seconds into it and said "this card can't be read", which id never had happen with my other 2gb cards. I turned the camera off and tried again, and it worked.later i started to record and it did so again, as the concert went on, more frequently. I can take pictures fine, but it won't let me videotape. I thought it might be because it was a higher quality card probably best for SLR cameras, but i wasn't sure. The package said it was fine to use with point-and-shoot cameras, but now i'm thinking it meant the more sophisticated of those.during all this the settings were on normal, so i changed them to the highest quality including a mediocre autofocus option and electronic vr (shake/blur reduction) both i turned on (they were originally off) m but it still doesn't work. I was planning to use this card for concerts and long trips, instead of my two 2gb cards. Any ideas/help?