Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Which camera would you pick and why?


Mia Gottlieb
3 answers
Mia Gottlieb

How to raise money when i can't get a job?

So i'm a 17 Year old girl & I can't get a job til school is over it sucks but its true! I'm getting frustrated being broke.bc there's so many things I want. - I want a mac laptop thats about $900/$1000, & than I want a Nikon camera thats about $900! So those are the 2 things that i'm trying to save up for! - The only time I get money is if its my Birthday or When its Christmas! I been getting money when I find change on the ground, sometimes my family will give me some change but very rarely. I have about $37 of change saved! & Sometimes my mom will pay me $5 every week if i'm good about doing my chores - But I forget… I just want to do something so I get get the things that I want I need about $2000 & I now Only have $37:-/ I have a long way to go! So What can I do please help me out & btw Don't tell me to do online jobs! I checked out a lot of "online jobs" & they always end up being a scam! & Btw I can't babysit bc i'm bad with kids they annoy me lol not to sound mean but its true. So yeah…

4 answers

How to edit video clips from my camera?

I have a D500 from NIkon and I've recorded some video clips with it, but I can't seem to open them up with Sony Vegas 6, the audio plays but the video won't show up, do I need to install a special codec?

4 answers

How to upload pictures from my nikon camera to my mac?

How do i upload pictures from my nikon camera to my mac? When i connect my camera with a usb cord nothing happens?

4 answers

Opinions on the new Nikon J1?

It comes out in a few hours and i'm thinking about buying it with the 2 lens zoom kit but the price seems a bit steep compared to others.anyone think it will go down by the holidays? Or if its worth buying?

9 answers

Which DSLR camera brand do you prefer?

I want to buy DSLR camera. I want a professional camera just because photography is my passion.So, please tell me which DSLR brand would be better for me (Canon, Nikon Vivitar etc).

5 answers

I want to invest in a good camera?

What professional cameras would you guys recommend? ( ex: cannon, nikon.etc)
that it also has to record videos! $500 and down.

3 answers

Help in finding a camera?

I'm looking for a digital Nikon camera, one of the professional looking ones with manually adjustable zoom and stuff.

I'm a teenager, but I my dream is to be a photographer, so I don't plan to be using this camera just for taking silly photos with my friends. My price limit is about 450- 600 USD.

If you can suggest a good camera, I'd love it because honestly I don't even know what to look for!

Ella Steele
7 answers
Ella Steele

What are the best professional camera brands?

I'm not talking about the nikon/canon type.i'm talking about the most expensive ones
Example, Leica.

5 answers

SLR Camera advice needed please?

I'm wanting an SLR camera between the prices of no more than £400
I obviously want it to take a good photo and i like the camera where you can take photos constantly? If that makes sense?
so every second i can take like 5?
Hope that makes sense

there are too many to choose from?
Hope you can help! Any recommendations i don't mind!
Preffered if they were cannon or nikon
if you have a camera which has all those quilitys, please don't hesitate to write it down!

Added (1). And what's the difference between slr and dslr?