What are the best professional camera brands?
I'm not talking about the nikon/canon type.i'm talking about the most expensive ones
Example, Leica.
Leica for me
Doesn't matter
Leicas are great but Canon and Nikon are super but this is what you need…
See link
Uhh… "best" is strictly an opinion. Hasselblad and Mamiya are $35, 000+ cameras BUT… That does not make them the best for "everything". They are great studio cameras, but outside of the studio Canon and Nikon take over (when is the last time you saw a Hassie or Mamiya at any sporting or action event?).
If you're one of those people who think that it's all about how much you paid… Here you go… Http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/search?Ns=p_PRICE_2|1&ci=9811&N=4288586282&srtclk=sort
Since your example is Leica I will stick to still photography cameras as oppose to motion pictures ones, for which there are many others. I will also not argue about what the word "best" means and simply give you the most expensive brands in still photography:
Schneider (lenses)
and recently Pentax has released a medium format DSLR which might bring them into this high end market.
RED is a video camera company whose camera can also be configured as a DSLR so one might include them here aswell.
There's no 'best', but there are quite a few good brands (contax, leica, zeiss, hasselblad, mamiya, nikon, canon, pentax, etc.). The high end lenses for these brands are not cheap, if that's what you mean.
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