Nikon SLR Cameras
Paul Hxyz
2 answers
Paul Hxyz

Nikon FE metering problems - reads, but no reaction when f stop changed?

I just put a "new" battery in a Nikon FE that I recently acquired. The battery might not be 100% because the battery test light does not come on but the meter DOES move when the light level is changed. However, when I change the aperture on every lens I have put on it so far the needle does NOT move. Is this because the battery is too weak or because of something else? I used 4 different lenses for this, two of which are Nikon and two are Vivitar. Any help here would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Added (1). Not sure "Jens" - will check. It is NOT in "Automatic" mode if that is what you mean.

Added (2). NOT in Aperture priority ("AUTO") mode. I set it for 1/30, 1/250, 1/1000 - same result - needle does not move when the f stop is changeā€¦ On 4 different lenses. My guess is the battery might be bad because I got it out of a thrift shop special camera but I want to check here with some other folks that have experience with the FE.

Justin XD
3 answers
Justin XD

Nikon cool pix camera or iPhone 4s for my girlfriend?

My limit is $300, so any other suggestions? No clothing or purses also it will be our two year anniversary being boyfriend and girlfriend were both 18 etc.

vampire queen
5 answers
vampire queen

I'm really wanting a digital camera?

I'm NOT wanting a point and click type, I love taking pics and I'm into photography big time. I can't get anything over 270 which sucks but I don't know what to get. My step mom has a Canon but its the film one (which I love) but is Canon the best or should I get a Kodak or a Nikon. I've only used my step moms canon and loved it. Any advice?

2 answers

Looking to buy a camera

I'm looking into starting photography and really want to buy a Nikon or Canon digital camera. Since I'm just starting, I don't want to spend hundreds of dollars on it, probably no more than $400. I don't want something crazy fancy, just something with good quality and resolution. Please let me know what cameras of either of those brands are ones you think would be good for starters!

3 answers

Best dsl camera for begineer?

I'm looking for a good dsl camera. I want one for christmas, so my mom told me to do my research. Its going to be my first one, but i've used them before.Id be making alot of videos, and taking pictures also. And needs to be affortable. Which i know most Dsl cameras are not! And when I say affortable i'm talking about like $500 or cheaper. If you could find one that has a whole package. You know like with sd card, cord, bag, stand, stuff like that, that would be great! I really don't care what brand, as long as its a good one. I know with the price range I have I probabley wouldnt be able to get a nikon or canon. And I don't know if most cameras have his but I would love for it to have the option of auto focus and manual focus.

meredith v
5 answers
meredith v

I'm looking to buy a DSLR (or even a great quality point and shoot) camera

I would like the ability to have a good video, but still shot are definitely more important. They will be of wildlife and people, so fps speed is pretty important. I'm on a college student budget, but thinking 400-800 as far as budget. I know this is pretty low for a dslr, but it's about the best I can do.

Should I go with a dslr even on this budget, or look at quality digital camera?
I'm a designer and the still show really need to be a good quality, but I'm not a professional photographer, obviously.

I know Nikon and Canon both have pretty decent options. Any advice is appreciated!

Also, are black Friday deal something to consider, or is it a waste of time to wait until then? I'm going on a trip in Jan so I can wait to purchase, that's not a big deal. I'd like to get it by Dec so I can have 2 months to experiment and play!

Paul Hxyz
14 answers
Paul Hxyz

What is the coolest thing you ever received for FREE?

I like cameras and someone recently gave me two "vintage" Nikon 35mm SLR cameras and some lenses, all free. Other than love its one of the coolest things I ever received "gratis". How about you?

3 answers

Any good Canon/Nikon cameras?

So my birthday and Christmas are coming up and people want to know what I want. Well, by the question above ^^^^^ you can tell i want a camera. The thing is, I have no idea what KIND of camera I want. I looked up the Canon 60D but that is Way to expensive. Maybe something that is $1000-800 might be a good price. I want pretty good quality and if it can, i really want one of the screens the flip out so you can look at yourself when taking videos/pictures.

Anete G
1 answer
Anete G

How to unlock my Nikon F5?

There's a lock sign showing above AF Sensor Display, and I don't know what to do, because the camera isn't working.

Linux Nerd
5 answers
Linux Nerd

She broke her digital camera. What do buy?

My girlfriend dropped her digital camera. I own a mid range Nikon. What is a good choice for her? She is not tech savvy enough for an expensive camera. She needs to point and shoot.

Ok, well the I-phone 4 is looking like a good investment.

The old camera still works, but the LCD display is broken. I'm looking for a creative idea on what to do with the old camera. I have lots of broken tech junk to experiment with!

Added (1). Gotta love that baloon idea!