How to raise money when i can't get a job?

So i'm a 17 Year old girl & I can't get a job til school is over it sucks but its true! I'm getting frustrated being broke.bc there's so many things I want. - I want a mac laptop thats about $900/$1000, & than I want a Nikon camera thats about $900! So those are the 2 things that i'm trying to save up for! - The only time I get money is if its my Birthday or When its Christmas! I been getting money when I find change on the ground, sometimes my family will give me some change but very rarely. I have about $37 of change saved! & Sometimes my mom will pay me $5 every week if i'm good about doing my chores - But I forget… I just want to do something so I get get the things that I want I need about $2000 & I now Only have $37:-/ I have a long way to go! So What can I do please help me out & btw Don't tell me to do online jobs! I checked out a lot of "online jobs" & they always end up being a scam! & Btw I can't babysit bc i'm bad with kids they annoy me lol not to sound mean but its true. So yeah…

Unless you have a money tree then you need to work or do part time jobs. You are only 17 though, so no need to rush at that age…

Mia there are lots of ways to do something. If you wait till after Christmas sales you can get a real good deal. You don't need a mac since those are the most expensive computers and laptops on the market. The others work just as well and for less, in fact there are $300 school laptops out there. And a nikon camera is for those who have been doing lots of photography, why not get a Kodak $8 camera. In fact they had a deal this weekend and i got two for $8. Kodak is superb color and clean looking and clear pictures. So why go so expensive? Let's see now that's $308 plus tax compared to $2, 000… And you have $37.
There are all kinds of small and odd jobs someone like you could be doing, but you could start looking for school grants now and inquiring where you can get your community college or vocational schooling done so in a couple of years you can at least begin to get what you want.

Mow lawns, shovel snow, rake leaves, walk dogs, go trick-or-treating and sell the candy at school or buy candy to sell at school, tutor, have a garage sale or bake sale, sell artwork, panhandle.
Unless you have been taking pictures for a long time and you are great with computers, I don't think you need either of them. Buy a mini laptop for $250-400 instead or get a normal laptop that could cost as little as $600. As for the camera, you could get a cheap $5 disposable one, a low res $20 camera, or even a $150 Nikon.