Nikon SLR Cameras
6 answers

Who has better cameras, Nikon or Canon?

I want to ask for a nice camera for Christmas and I don't know what kind to get. What would you guys suggest?

2 answers
2 answers

Thinking of investing in a new camera?

I currently have a sony cyber-shot dsc-x2. Its a very nice camera, i've had it for a few years now but its kind of out of date. It was gifted to me (just the camera and charger) i didn't get a user manual for it so i know that its not so user friendly when trying to change the settings. It takes great pictures but i would like better quality, so my question is what is a good camera for taking artistic photos (every thing from stills to action shots) that is not going to cost me an arm and a leg? One of my friends recently invested in a Nikon, i would love a Nikon but i don't have 500+ dolor's for a camera right now.

thank you for any and all help

Added (1). The main reason i want to upgrade is because my camera will do things that ruin pictures that are one in a million shots. For example i was going to take a picture of a bee, i had it all framed up and in focus. I hit the shutter and and it auto corrected to bring the background into focus as it made up more of the picture and the bee when out of focus. I also can't change the shutter speed (i've counted a delay of about 3 to 5 seconds between the pushing of the shutter button and the flash going off) which means i can't take pictures in an instant which means i can lose a perfect shot waiting on the shutter. I also get a barrel blur on the corners of all my photos, some are worse than others.these simple defects would not seem so bad to other people but they ruin the artistic quality of my photos

7 answers

What is the Cheapest Nikon or Cannon dslr that I can shoot film with?

Please tell me, I'm not looking for a camcorder or a slr, I'm looking for.well you know.

5 answers

What you think of my photography

I'm getting into photography a bit and I took the following shot of my sister when we were on holidays.

I used a Nikon professional camera.

I really like the lighting and shadows in it, and the colours.

What do you think?

I'd appreciate your opinions…

Make sure to zoom etc so you can really look at it!

3 answers


Well in five days, November 3rd 2011. I'm going to an Odd Future Concert with my best friend, and it's our first time ever seeing them. So I was wondering if anyone has ever been to one of their concerts and if you have, could you tell me what to expect. Also, does anyone know if you're allowed to bring cameras? My camera is a Nikon L110. Your help would be appreciated, thank you♥

3 answers

What should I ask for, for Christmas 2011?

I know it's early, but if you think about it, it's only less than 2 months away! I have to start thinking, right? I'm in high school and it's getting harder and harder to decide what I'd want for Christmas, so I'm reaching out for help.

Things I have are: Mac book air, Nikon camera, Droid 2 Global. I mean that's basically *** the essentials.

What I already have on the list: iPhone 4S, and Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy (perfume)

Before you say "my spoiled but shouldn't get anything for Christmas" I honestly don't care. Just please help me?
Also, I have enough clothes. So no clothes. And my parents don't give me money.

Added (1). ***Things I own are: Mac book air, Nikon, and Droid

6 answers

Which SLR camera do you suggest?

I want a Nikon or a Canon.
Doesn't have to be really fancy, just want it to take good quality photos.
I want it to take shots at concerts/shows I go to.

2 answers

What type of video recording does the new Nikon D1500 DSLR camera have?

I'd like to know if the camera records with progressive scan or interlaced video?

5 answers

Canon DSLR VS Nikon DSLR?

Which one is better? And why?