Nikon SLR Cameras
Lars xD
6 answers
Lars xD

Why do hipsters, goths and emo's etc have obsessions with photography?

Not to offend anyone or stereotype but I see on facebook all these people I know with big *** Nikon cameras taking god dam pics of themselves for know reason. Or they take the in the middle of the woods or even people skating I really don't see the point

1 answer

My camera fixed itself? (kinda long)?

Ok so i accidentally dropped my nikon s3100 on my bathroom floor
heres what happened: it was in my pocket and i was straightening my hair
well my cat walked in and kept rubbing against my legs and at one point, she somehow half tripped me
the camera fell out onto the floor and then refused to turn on or off, take pictures, go to my pictures, anything like that and the lens was also screwed up
well i showed it to my mom and she was playing around with it
she took the battery out and it finally shut off, then put it back in, and turned it on
the lens fixed itself and it let me go to my images and take pictures again
does anyone know how this happened? Of course, i'm grateful it did, but i'm just confused on how the camera did it
so if anyone can help me, thatd be great: D

6 answers

Nikon or Canon for a first slr camera for college level artist?

Nikon or Canon for a first slr camera for college level artist?

4 answers

Does old nikon lenses (dating back to slr's) fit the new nikon 1's?

Would just like to ask if the old nikon lenses can be used with the new nikon 1's… Old lenses eg.used in the retro SLR eras… Bec I asked around and they said old nikon lenses can still be used on modern nikon DSLR's. Just i'm not sure if it works for the new nikon 1's… Thanks in advance

Madi T
2 answers
Madi T

I have no idea what kind of camera to ask for?

I've wanted a camera for a while, but when i try to do research on which one i want i get overwhelmed. My stepdad has a very nice, $1000+ one and i think that's way too expensive. I don't want a small rectangular digital camera, i want one of the larger ones. If you could describe the difference between a canon and a nikon and give a review on your favorite or something like that that would be great. And my price range is anywhere up to $700 ish but i could go a little higher

Added (1). No *** i don't know anything about cameras.that's why i'm asking this question. So don't give me sass

Annette Leigh Haynes
2 answers
Annette Leigh Haynes

What Lens to use for after dark Pictures?

After Dark people pictures using the desert for background with professional lighting what lens should I use for a Nikon F Camera?

Added (1). Full leingh pictures

2 answers

Nikon 1 Camera? Opinions?

Could anyone give me a list of pros and cons about this camera? I have heard that it's an over glorified camera, yada yada. But I do not want a DSLR. I don't want to spend the money, and I'm not looking to be a professional photographer. I just love photography and want to do it as a hobby. Plus I don't want a huge chunky camera. I want a step or two up from a regular digital camera. Please give me your opinions on the Nikon 1. If you don't think it's a good camera, tell my WHY you think that. Also, tell me if it would be a step up from a normal digital camera. It does not have to be as good as a DSLR, just better than a regular digital. Sorry this was so long. >.< Thanks so much for your time and help! :]

2 answers

What does non-reflex mean? And what exactly is a DSLR camera?

I've been using a canon powershot pro 1 for about 5 years now if not more but it has finally died (well not really - it has "mood swings". Most pictures come out out highly overexposed and when they're not over exposed or even just plain white, they come out all stripey. I've asked around but most camera places give me the classic "it would be cheaper just to buy a new one that get it repaired" story… -.-)
It was given to me by my dad when I was younger when he got a more professional level nikon and to be honest i never properly learn how to use it. I would like something a little more "tweakable" than your average point and shoot but still quite portable as i travel a lot everyday and aftr colleg i plan to travel even more! By tweakable i mean that even in manual mode on point and shoot cameras, you're still quite restricted and I want to learn how to use a camera properly like howthe ISO woks and the shutter speed and aperture etc.

I'm still saving up and still quite lost with what camera to pic. I'm looking at the Olympus PEN range but I really dislike that it has no viewfinder or built-in flash! In a review ( it talks about a "non-reflex interchangeable lens camera [built] around a large sensor".so now I'm kind of confused as to what a single lens reflex camera is and what a non-relex camera is. Is there a such thing as a multi lens reflex camera? What makes an SLR an SLR?
Sorry for such a long-winded question, I can understand if answering it all would be too long, if so do you know of any good articles or websites I can read to learn about this all?

Thanks so much for your time!

P.S. I'm not a professional, I probably don't even qualify as vaguely amateur haha! I'm a student and I love photography and I want to learn, that's all. Thank you for your help.

Added (1). And what is "four-thirds" is this different to SLR?

Thank you, so are the mirrors just for seeing your image through the viewfinder or do they take any part in taking the final picture at all?

lil goon
2 answers
lil goon

Good video camera that can also take pictures?

I'm a teenage rap artist, and I like uploading video's to youtube (Music videos, video blogs, etc)
I wanna buy a camera that is good quality and what not, and I wanna use it so I can do outside photo shoots and what not,
So what are some good cameras I can use for music video's, video blogs & them type of things? I've heard Canon & Nikon are quite good, but I just want some advice & what not lol.

2 answers

Advanced P&S vs Micro Four Thirds?

I'm looking into a Nikon P7100 which is an andvanced P&S and I relaized the Olympus Epl-2 is within the same price range.

I'd like to go with the Olympus but on first comparisons I noticed the LCD is 2.7'' and lower res than the nikon which has a 3'' lcd. Also, the Nikon has 2 separate dials for controls, something that is very important to me, the Olympus has one and I don't even think it's a rotating dial so pressing those buttons up and down to change aperture and shutter speed settings will probably drive me mad.

I'm willing to overlook the LCD screen being smaller on the Olympus but the lack of dual controls and extra dials means i'll be spending most of my time within the menu screen.

Anyway, are there any other factors i need to be aware of when choosing between these two types of camera. I'm looking to shoot mostly landscape, city and a little bit of sport.

Added (1). I used to do photography back in the good old days of 35mm film camera's so I'm not a total noob, just not familiar with the newer stuff…