Nikon SLR Cameras

Advanced P&S vs Micro Four Thirds?


I'm looking into a Nikon P7100 which is an andvanced P&S and I relaized the Olympus Epl-2 is within the same price range.

I'd like to go with the Olympus but on first comparisons I noticed the LCD is 2.7'' and lower res than the nikon which has a 3'' lcd. Also, the Nikon has 2 separate dials for controls, something that is very important to me, the Olympus has one and I don't even think it's a rotating dial so pressing those buttons up and down to change aperture and shutter speed settings will probably drive me mad.

I'm willing to overlook the LCD screen being smaller on the Olympus but the lack of dual controls and extra dials means i'll be spending most of my time within the menu screen.

Anyway, are there any other factors i need to be aware of when choosing between these two types of camera. I'm looking to shoot mostly landscape, city and a little bit of sport.

Added (1). I used to do photography back in the good old days of 35mm film camera's so I'm not a total noob, just not familiar with the newer stuff…

Forlorn Hope
Forlorn Hope

Go for the olympus… Or the sony nex range…

they are good cameras… And should provide you with some of the stuff you need…


Well it's a bit of a different world with EVFs and all that. I'd probably go with the Oly or a Nex as the sensor is larger and will make a significant difference. It depends on the era of film camera you're used to, as the 1970's/80's cameras probably have the ergonomic difficulties shared with the Oly. Wheras if you're used to the 1990's high speed 35mm things with motor drive and twin dials then the Oly might be lacking.