Nikon SLR Cameras

Why do hipsters, goths and emo's etc have obsessions with photography?

Lars xD
Lars xD

Not to offend anyone or stereotype but I see on facebook all these people I know with big *** Nikon cameras taking god dam pics of themselves for know reason. Or they take the in the middle of the woods or even people skating I really don't see the point

Jason a
Jason a

They want attention.


I've noticed that kids labeled "hipsters" are often artistic kids, so maybe that's why?
Someone called me a hipster, and I'm a photography major and I almost went ape ***.


I don't know maybe its a way of people trying to be somewhat of an artist, not saying that real photographers aren't artist and all, but to them, its like drawing but with out the drawing. Its trying to express themselves using the ways of something else in nature, but then again i don't know it varies from person to person, and photography has become quite popular around my school.


HUH? Where did you hear that from?>

Gothic Kendoka
Gothic Kendoka

Well, I don't know much about hipsters or emos, but Goth is build around darker aesthetics. It is an artistic subculture.So, what better way to capture natural beauty (when without a sketchbook) than with a camera? Though… As far as personal pics though, I haven't seen too many Goths that do it that often. I know at least half of all the Goths I know will pull out your memory card and eat it if you were to take a picture.


Um well not all emos are about photography, I'm emo and yeah I'm all about photography but I would be anyway it's not because I'm emo it's because I love the beauty of it, it gives us something to do, it's a hobbie that you can start young and follow through if you really want:/ plus I don't have a fat nikon camera I have a normal camera so in ya face.