Nikon SLR Cameras
mike s
7 answers
mike s

Best professional DSLR Camera under 2k?

I have been heavily looking at getting the Canon 7D, but after some comparison with some less expensive Nikon cameras that claim better picture resolution etc. I'm wondering without any bias is there a better option anyone recommends for a DSLR under or around 2k.

ben knowles
5 answers
ben knowles

Nikon Camera Lens - 200-400mm?

Nikon Camera Lens - 200-400mm?

Hi - looking for som advice, looking to purchase myself a new camera lens. Debated between the Nikon 200-400mm f4 G VR AF-S IF ED Lens and Nikon 200-400mm f4 G VR II AF-S ED Lens.

Can anyone tell me the difference between the two, is this literally the vibration reduction technology? Also there's around £200 difference between the two lenses (Nikon 200-400mm f4 G VR II AF-S ED Lens is more expensive).Is it worth paying the difference?

2 answers

What did I do to deserve this?

I moved out of my abusive fathers house about 5 months ago, and since then it's been absolute hell. I'm 18 years old and live with my boyfriend and his family (thats the best part of my situation)
My mom is a drug addict who left me when I was 13 years old, ever since then I got awesome grades in school, tried my absolute best to make everyone happy just to be put down for everything I do.
This month has been hell. My mom who I haven't seen in almost 5 years doesn't show up when she said she would come to visit me (she lives in Arizona I live in Maryland), lies about giving me money, won't return my phone calls.
My dads ex girlfriend who I consider a mother gives me only a cheap make-up set from Walmart while her son gets millions of brand new Xbox 360 games.
I feel left out of everything and got awesome gifts for everyone and I got *** from the dollar store. Really?
I had to quit my job at Petco because they were abusing the animals, so I'm broke.
I got offered a nice photography job, but it's about 40 miles away, I have no car or nice "professional" Nikon camera like these spoiled brats.
Then just today my iPod restores itself on an iTunes update and erases 2, 225 songs.

Can my luck get any worse? What did I do to deserve parents that hate me?

Not to mention my computer has been blue-screening. I'm sorry to complain so much but is there any light at the end of the tunnel?
Oh, and I can't get into college because wonderful FAFSA won't accept me as independent unless I file a complete dependency override which could take a year.

Added (1). F*** all of you.

5 answers

Which is better: Nikon or Cannon?

It's a long going battle between me and my best friend. He swears by his Nikon. I love my Cannon.

What do you prefer? Cannon or Nikon?

Added (1). Whoops! Canon* … I should at least know how to spell it, huh?

3 answers

What would be the cheapest?

What Canon or Nikon would be the cheapest with a full frame sensor?

Added (1). I like to get answers from real owners who can give me better tips…

Young Muslimah
2 answers
Young Muslimah

Digital Cameras that DON NOT use LITHIUM batteries?

I'm looking for a digital camera that does not use LITHIUM batteries.
Are there any of these cameras any more, because I'm not a big fan of LITHIUM batteries due to the amount of time I use the camera. Also, I can't afford to buy 2 sets of batteries to wait for one to charge while the other can be used.
I do not really care about the cost of the camera at the moment, but as long as it is not NIKON because I tried it and the resolution makes the pictures look bad while it is on the camera.

2 answers

Can the Nikon 1 J1 shoot macro, or at least close-up?

I'm looking at buying a Nikon 1 J1, but I can't tell if it will shoot macro.

4 answers

Beginner Photo Enthusiast's Confusion With Facial/Body Distortion?

Hi, I'm a beginner transitioning from point and click photography, and I'm a bit at a loss here concerning purchasing the best lens for my purposes… Head shot, portrait, fashion, and street style photography.

According to this link, it'll appear that 300-350mm offers the least facial distortion:

It says underneath that with the 300mm, you can be as close as 11inches away from the subject, but how come I heard jokes from people that they'll have to stand a football field length away if they're using a 300mm? I also heard that any lens that's not a wide zoom would not produce distortion, but according to this experiment, even 85mm does!

To get as true to life representations, how do I know when to use which lenses and how far to stand away from the subject for my multiple purposes? As you can tell, *honestly* is the biggest thing I'm looking for in my photography. I do not wish for negative or even positive types of distortion.

I'm planning to get a Nikon 5100 and either buying the 28-300mm VR or the 18-200mm VR. How do I choose? I would love to get something like the 1.4/85mm, but even at my not so modest budget, I can't afford that. Hopefully I will be able to get the very narrow vintage shallow depth of field look by blurring the background more in Photoshop… I think?

Can anyone offer help please

3 answers

What camera do i need?

Hi, so i need a camera that is good for when i take pictures in places that are dark or have very little light.
also it should be good without the flash, but with it as well too.
but i would need to use it more without the flash though.
& also preferably a nikon.

1 answer

How much is my nikon camera fe 3880644?

Hi, i have this chrome/steel Nikon camera. I think from the 1978-1984 period because of the pieces that are attached to it.

The only thing that distincts it from any other camera is the writing it has on the back saying "FE 3880644"

Can somebody with experince tell me how much it is worth because i can't find it on the internet.
I will be selling this so please give me the correct answer and i will give max points in return thanks.