Nikon SLR Cameras
1 answer

How to get this effect in photos?

Lana Del Ray's music video for her song Video Games. A few of my friends on Facebook have recently uploaded some photos which seem to be very vintage looking, as if they have taken a picture of a picture? In the music video, skip to 0:23 and watch until about 0:29 with her up against a wall. It's kind of old looking, how would you do this in a photo? I have a nikon bridge camera by the way.

4 answers

Is it worth investing in a good DSLR camera?

I like photography and like it as a hobby, at the moment i have Fujifilm FinePix S2950 Digital Camera but i'm thinking of buying a DSLR cannon or nikon camera. This has been my first camera and i have taken 2000+ with it and i have had it for a year and a half, also i love entering competitions and with the natural history museum prizes go from £1000+ also thousands of other competitions to enter, so my question is, is a DSLR worth buying and which one should i get? Maximum budget of £700, also the camera and the lens can come separately, thanks!

3 answers

Which DSLR camera for a beginner?

I'm quite young and really getting into photography. I would like to get a good SLR camera and was wondering if there's a difference between Canon and Nikon, whether price or quality. Any suggestions?

3 answers

Which dslr camara brand is better, cannon or nikon?

I'm thinking about getting a entry level dslr camara. I just want to be able to take better photos. Since I have a budget my plan is to buy a second hand camara kit including a lense. This way if I really get into taking photos I can just buy a good new body. Yeah I'm just trying to decide wich brand to go with.

2 answers

What camera do i need? - 1

Hi, so i need a camera that is good for when i take pictures in places that are dark or have very little light.
also it should be good without the flash, but with it as well too.
but i would need to use it more without the flash though.
& also preferably a nikon.

Added (1). It's concert photography, so i can't get a tripod.
price range: $500-$1500

Cameron Perry
2 answers
Cameron Perry

Why hasn't my stuff been delivered?

I went to best buy to get a Nikon camera on the 23th and they told me they were out because it was right before Christmas. So I ordered it from there and the lady told me it should to be here on the 29th and it still hasn't came! I'm really getting really impatient! I don't know you.p.s or FedEx is delivering it.

1 answer

Dust on compact camera sensor?

I believe I've got dust on the sensor of my Nikon P300 compact camera.
There appears to be a grey dust spot and it can be clearly seen on the pictures taken.
The dust spot appears smaller when zooming and larger at the wide end.
Is this a common occurence for compact cameras and how much would it cost to have the sensor cleaned? Camera has always been used under 'normal' circumstances.

5 answers


I'm currently a university student and I'm looking into doing an online diploma for photography at the institute of photography in Australia. I'm very interested in starting a course of photography, however I need to buy a digital SLR camera to complete the course. I asked one of the staff members if there was a particular camera I should obtain, but he only said anyone will do but preferably a digital SLR. The unfortunate side to this answer means I have a WHOLE range of cameras to chose from now!

My budget is only around $800, $1000 if it really needs to be.

I think I'd like canon, or a Nikon, I heard they are they have been the top two for a while.

Which one should I chose? How will I know how to chose it when I know NOTHING about photogrpahy?

The staff member said to wait until I start the course to read the first few chapters which go into great detail about cameras and will help me chose what I'd like.

However, what is your experience? Begginer level camera? What camera is your favourite? What do you recommend for me!

6 answers

Is the Nikon 1 J1 really worth it?

I'm planning on buying a new camera. All the ones i've previously bought have poor quality pictures, but mainly bad focus.Id really like a nice one, that works, and won't die in a year or two. But is the Nikon 1 J1 more for professionals? If so, could someone tell me what camera i should get? Another one i kind of liked, was the powershot/touchscreen one… But i don't know! Some1 Help.

Jason West
1 answer
Jason West

How to attach an android phone to a camera tripod?

As you all know, smartphones are beginning to outperform most commonly used objects such as camorders by including 1080p recording and playback in their vast aptitude. Anyway, the mobile device I have is the epic galaxy s and I have a tripod fitted for a newer model nikon professional camera. I would like to attach my phone to this tripod to take advantage of its capabilities.

Note, I know there are tripods made for phones, but all the ones that I've seen are too short.