Nikon SLR Cameras
5 answers
2 answers

Photos I took with my film camera didn't came out too good?

I wanted to try out film and got a Nikon FM-10 and a pack of Kodak Gold 200. I took pictures and went to get it developed and printed at a 1 hr photo. All the pictures were exposed correctly and in focus. But on some photos there was a straight line going through it and some white dust/artifact on it. I think the line is normal but what causes the white dots dust looking things? And also what other inexpensive film should I get because I don't really like the color of this kind, it's alright.

4 answers

What Nikon camera lens will give the sharpest close up pictures? SLR digital?

I'm doing a photo project called 10 acres more or less and would like to be able to get up real close on some of the wild flowers that grow here in OHIO.

3 answers

I have a nikon fe2 film camera.when i take pictures the film comes out blank?

The film comes out clear without any images or words. I changed the batteries and the light meter seams to work, i'm using 35mm 400 speed film and i don't know what i'm doing wrong.

1 answer

Good basic lens for Nikon n75?

I don't know whether I should buy the body on its own, and a lens separate or just buy it for $100 with the 28-70mm kit lens it generally comes with. The body itself runs about $40 used from what I've seen, so if any of you have suggestions for a lens under $75 or so that's compatible it'd be appreciated! I already have a portrait lens for it, I just need something that'll be good for if I'm out and about and wanna take a quick shot.

Added (1). I should also add I don't care if it's manual focus or anything, as long as there's no vingetting. I guess that goes without saying though given my price range.

1 answer

Can I transfer RAW files?

I have a Nikon SLR. I have RAW files on the camera. When I transfer them to a folder on the computer, it converts it to jpg. Anyway to transfer without the conversion? I Want to keep raw files on my computer in order to edit them later.

2 answers

My camera's screen cracked?

I just got my camera back from the Nikon place because it needed a new battery and now todays my mom hit the camera against a tree when she was trying to help me… And now the screen is cracked i haven't told my parents because i just got it back and since the camera is touch screen i can't delete photos what do i do?

Yang Cheng
2 answers
Yang Cheng

Anyone have a Nikon J1? Opinion?

Saw one at Target the other day and kinda fell in love with it. I was testing it out and the guy said its a really good piece of technology. I looked up videos on it and stuff and was pretty impressed with the quality of the pictures and the speed at which it took pictures. I was tihnking of getting the Canon Eos Rebel T2i but since the J1 is kinda around the same price range, i don't really know what kind of camera i should choose now. What're your opinions on the the Nikon J1? Or what have you heard about J1 style cameras such as the Sony NEX or other mirrorless system cameras?

3 answers

Should I put my 35mm film in the freezer?

I bought a 4 pack ISO 200 Kodak 24 exposures from a guy who said he put it in the freezer. The expiration date is 3/2011. I'm sure he did freeze it because the box felt a little cold and coming down to room temperature. I shot one roll today and it is getting developed and I will pick it up tomorrow to see how they came out. I'm wondering if I need to put the 3 unused rolls in my freezer. If the pictures I took today came out good I'll probably use the other 3 rolls within a month. Right now I have them in it's original container and box inside a file cabinet so do you think it should be good or I have to freeze them?
I have another question. I'm using a Nikon FM-10 and it was working fine till about the 12th exposure and after that the shutter gets stuck everytime, it goes black in the viewfinder. I have to press a button on the camera that releases/opens it. I had to do that till I finished the film. Why did that happen? I think I wasted a lot of shots I don't know yet because I'm getting it printed. However after I finished the roll of film I rewind it and took it out and the camera works normally, no more stuck shutter.

Added (1). Oh just found out the button that I press to open the viewfinder to not get the black anymore was the dept of view lever.

Added (2). ***dept of field preview lever

Added (3). Ok I won't put it in the freezer, might put it in the fridge but I don't know yet.

Added (4). I know why I got the shutter problem, it's because I put the film in incorrectly and the film ripped at the 13th frame.

3 answers

What is happening to my Nikon FE2?

I just got a Nikon FE2 camera, but I'm having some trouble using it since I'm new with a film camera.
When ever I shoot with a "M250" (what is that?) shutter speed, it works normally; the shutter goes up and down. But whenever I shoot in Automatic, or any other speed the shutter seems to be sort of stuck or something and I see black on the viewfinder. The only way to turn it back to the way it was is by setting the shutter speed to "M250"

What is happening and how can I fix this?