Nikon SLR Cameras
4 answers

Nikon 1 reviews please?

Can someone give me a review of the Nikon 1? I need something for both day to day photgraphy and something a little more arty, would this be a good camera for that kind of thing?

5 answers

I have nikon FM 10 slr camera, lens had broken, can it will be repaired?

I have nikon FM 10 slr camera, lens had broken, can it will be repaired?

8 answers

How to choose my DSLR?

I'm not sure between buying a canon or a nikon. I hear good things from both brands. But i don't know much about choosing the right DSLR. I enjoy taking tons of pictures when i go on vacations of landscapes. But i want a DSLR that will allow me to take pictures of landscapes but also allow me to take pictures on a night out and family portraits. I might also want to be able to take pictures with nature. Landscapes, Nature, Night out, Portraits. Which DSLR is right for me? Any suggestions?

Added (1). I'm willing to to spend as much as need. But i look for a more cheaper dslr to fit my needs

4 answers

What lenses can I use for my Nikon DSLR 3100 camera?

I'm looking for new lenses for my Nikon DSLR 3100, but I dunno which one would be good. I'm looking for more of a better quality picture producer and with a great zoom. I like my current lens (18-55mm) but I want something that zooms more and produces better quality pictures.

5 answers

Which camera is best to buy?

I want a Nikon or a Cannon. I'm only a amateur at taking photos. But what i was going to do with my camera was taking night pictures of the sky or family photos or just simple things like that.

so please help me find the right camera: )

3 answers

What are good cameras to buy for serious film making?

I'm looking to buy a camera for FILMING and so far I have come across the Canon 60D which is 1, 000 dollars. I would like it to be light and portable but also a little cheaper than the Canon 60D. I wouldnt mind if it had been Nikon or another company. I also know that the cheaper cameras won't be as high quality but if anyone has any recomindations

1 answer

What is wrong with my film camera?

I bought a used Nikon FM-10 for $40. When I shot my first roll of film, at the 12th frame the viewfinder got all black so I was like how do I fix this so I tried pressing the dept of field lever and the black went away and it took the picture (the shutter released). All frames after that the same thing happened and I continued doing that till my last frame and I rewinded the film and unloaded it for developing. It turns out that all pictures before the 12th frame was fine but after that the film ripped and was unprintable. So I thought that it was because I didn't load it correctly but I did everything that I was shown how. Today I shot with B&W film (haven't developed yet) and the first couple frames were normal but later on it happened again but this time it was every other frame that it happens. When I was done and about to rewind the film I accidently pulled the rewind knob up and it opened the door and my film was exposed. Do you think all frames were ruined or only 2-4? I'm going to get it developed anyways because I can do B&W for free at school. Do you know what's wrong with this camera; is it something that can be fixed? It's really weird because sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. The pictures I took were ducks at the park so I wish I didn't mess it up.

Added (1). And could it also be because I didn't pull the film advance lever all the way?

Added (2). Sometimes when I pulled the advance lever it felt like the film didn't advance smoothly so there's definitely something wrong in there.

Added (3). Yes I used the light meter. I've used digital cameras for a long time already so I understand exposure. I'm going to give the camera to my friend who knows how to use it and see if he get's the same problem. Hopefully this camera works or I'll have to look for another one.

Blindanese Beauty
5 answers
Blindanese Beauty

What kind of camera is the nikon j1?

Like is a it just a really advanced digital camera or something else? If its nothing like a digital camera I might not buy it.

Added (1). To the second comment, I've already looked there and they never gave me any help and I was so confused so I came here to see if anyone knew.

1 answer

Nikon equivalents of these canon DSLRs?

Hi. I would like to know more about nikon DSLRs, can you please give me the quivalents of these canon DSLRs in nikon?
5D mark III
(thank you. :])

2 answers

Why is my memory card only letting me record 3 minute videos?

I have a Nikon coolplex L120 and I have a 128mg memory card, and its only letting me record 3 minute videos? I deleted all the pictures and videos on the camera and it still isn't doing anything.could you please help?